June 10, 2023 - Day 161 - NewPlay Bonus Review
Total NewPlays: 179
Game: Turbo Golf Racing
Platform: Steam
Release Date: Aug 4, 2022
Library Date: Jun 7, 2023
Unplayed: 3d (3d)
Playtime: 16m
Turbo Golf Racing is game #6 from the June 2023 Humble Choice bundle and answers the question "What if Rocket League, but mini golf?"
I really don't know what else there is I can say about it.
Take away the stadium, give all 8 players their own ball, three competitive rounds to get your ball from one end of the green to the hole as fast as possible.
Powerups, weapons, wildly differing greens.
This is a multiplayer game, and I can understand why they were willing to put it into a bundle less than a year after release.
As with any multiplayer game, no players = no game, so by putting it into a bundle, the devs are obviously hoping to goose the playerbase.
I did find a match, and it was kind of fun, but I suspect this will end up being another also-run game that will get shut down in a year or two, just through not having enough players to support ongoing development.
Turbo Golf Racing is:
3: OK
#TurboGolfRacing #Sports #Golf #Racing #Multiplayer #HumbleChoice #MastodonGaming #Gaming #Project365ONG #Project365 #NewPlay
#turbogolfracing #sports #golf #racing #multiplayer #humblechoice #mastodongaming #gaming #project365ong #project365 #newplay
I feel like Xbox really wants me to go golfing.
Free Play Days – Golf With Your Friends, Turbo Golf Racing, Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker, and For the King - Xbox Wire https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2023/05/04/free-play-days-golf-with-your-friends-turbo-golf-racing-naruto-to-boruto-shinobi-striker-and-for-the-king/
#FreePlayDays #Xbox #Microsoft #GolfWithYourFriends #TurboGolfRacing #NarutoToBoruto #ForTheKing #GamingNews
#freeplaydays #xbox #microsoft #golfwithyourfriends #turbogolfracing #narutotoboruto #fortheking #gamingnews
News des Tages: #HiFiRush von Tango Gameworks enthüllt und jetzt schon im Game Pass erhältlich*#TurboGolfRacing hat über 1 Mio. Spieler*#Redfall am 2. Mai*#HogwartsLegacy-Mitentwickler Studio Gobo arbeitet an #Horizon-Marke*#StrayedLights & #TerminalVelocity: Boosted Edition angekündigt*#Xbox auf E3*The Last of Us: Neil Druckmann spricht über Zukunft der Serie*Metal Black S-Tribute für PS4 und Switch gestrichen*Minecraft Legends am 18.04.*Redemption Reapers am 22.02.*
#hifirush #turbogolfracing #Redfall #HogwartsLegacy #horizon #strayedlights #terminalvelocity #xbox