RISC-V drop in replacement in place of a Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4. Sounds interesting and could be useful with a #TuringPI2 especially.
#turingpi2 #raspberrypi #computemodule #cm4
Here is today's reminder that #Discord is NOT a forum!
@turingpi I'm looking at you. (Nice to see you here though!)
Discord is directly hostile to #opensource users.
It is not #accessible
It is not archived.
It does not allow anonymous viewing.
It is not searchable, and neither is it indexed by external search engines.
Data is walled in and unexportable.
Bonus round: Chat is also NOT a forum!
Chat is a chronological firehose, good for temporally transient information, largely ungrouped. Forums are a topical tree, good for longer-lasting information grouped by subject.
If you would write it down in real life (including email) then use a forum.
If you would only say it out loud (in the hallway or on a call) then chat is perfectly fine.
And if you say it out loud while someone else writes it down, tell your assistant to use a forum.
#discord #opensource #accessible #TuringPi #turingpi2 #rk1 #raspberrypi #snarkhome #oss
Yesterday the #weedlings got Fitbits (ok, #miflora, but they don't know the difference) and I spent a bunch of time arguing with a plant API instead of just inputting my decent-enough values from last time.
Part of the arguing involved removing the old devices. A smart person would have saved the thresholds, but I'm not that person. Doh!
Pics tomorrowish when I get back to it and build the dash.
Today was supposed to be offline, so I spent it integrating #calico and #k3s and #linkerd and such in the new #homelab. I .. am bad at not being burnt out.
Some good news. Changes involved a cluster CIDR change, so I had to reset from zero. Thank FSM for flux2. I expected pain and it basically Just Worked.
#selfhost #snarkhome #TuringPi2 #k3s #dietpi #homeassistant #fluxcd #dietpi #cannabis #growyourown #growyo
#weedlings #miflora #calico #k3s #linkerd #homelab #selfhost #snarkhome #turingpi2 #dietpi #homeassistant #fluxcd #cannabis #growyourown #growyo
#TuringPi2 #RK1 #RockChip boards are open for pre-order and they seem to be going for 32GB RAM versions this time. Meanwhile, the #RaspberryPI #ComputeModule are still scarce. This seems to top those with features though. the real world application is to be seen.
#turingpi2 #rk1 #rockchip #raspberrypi #computemodule #hardware #cluster #turingpi #turingrk1
@ramikrispin Can you get Compute Modules now for the #TuringPi2 ? I sort of gave up watching after the kickstarter campaign.
(hmm. Nope...)
This weekend, working on my building my home lab/cluster 🤩👇🏼
#kubernetes #turingpi2 #RaspberryPi
@OttersDangerDen @Raspberry_Pi I've got 2 4gigs on a #turingpi2. Working out some network issues but they are great so far. Feels more performant than #pi4b. (And eventually the "AI" accelerator chip will be supported too.)
Edit to add: I've never seen a #cm4 in real life. Or even in unstaged actual-user photos.
Ohh, my #TuringPi2 arrived today. Now to see if I can find a couple of #RPiCM4 modules in Aotearoa to start playing with it and learning more about what it can do (and what I can do with it).
I eyed the Kickstarter campaign and came sooo close to contributing...
All lined up and ready to go I just didn't push the buy button..
I definately regret not doing it.
Looked in on #TuringPi2 again with intent to buy and supply chain issues continue... No CPUs.
stellt sich raus: damit man mit SSH aufs BMC vom #turingpi2 kann, muss man erst ein Micro-USB-Kabel zum PC legen, mit der android debug bridge eine shell aufmachen und user anlegen oder ssh als root aktivieren.
In der knappen Doku steht, das sei nur in alten Firmware-Versionen so, es gibt aber keine neueren. Also USB-TTL oder adb nutzen für lokale Shell, danach remote-Zugang herstellen.
Time for the basics. BMC firmware is still very insecure. The webinterface doesn’t support credentials checking. :(
They did disable ssh login over the network by default? So time to resort to oldskool uart interfacing to login and re-enable ssh. :tux:
Ohh yeah, the goodness has finally arrived #turingpi2 #tpi2 #picluster
Time to fight this nice #kickstarter which still lacks a lot of documentation. (Like how to install linux on a cm4 with eMMC). It lacks a hardware switch to put it in nRPI_BOOT mode.
#kickstarter #picluster #tpi2 #turingpi2
Starts 9am Pacific time.
#kickstarter #homelab #selfhosted #turingpi2 #diy