Thinking about the #TuringTest and the #DoubleEmpathyProblem. The Turing Test (aka Imitation Game) is based on whether a human can tell the difference between a machine pretending to be human and an actual human. But we have never demonstrated that this kind of test is effective, because we don't have AI advanced enough to pass it yet. If we consider the human evaluator may be allistic or may be autistic, and we know there are meaningful differences in the ways those neurotypes communicate, would that affect the evaluation? The effectiveness of the Imitation Game test rests on the assumption that humans can spot imitators, but maybe humans aren't actually very good at that. Perhaps the best test for an AI being a "human-equivalent" intelligence is for another AI to evaluate it, because they're they only ones that can effectively understand each other.
#turingtest #doubleEmpathyProblem
@Abstruse The captcha wanted me to identify the motorbikes in order to proceed, but they are all mopeds and scooters. I think I failed some sort of #TuringTest there.
Fedi advice needed:
I'm talking with someone on a dating site who I'm starting to suspect is a chatbot.
But, it could also be someone whose first language isn't English (which is what I thought at first).
What sort of things do I ask or say that would trip up a chatbot, but not be insulting to an actual person in this scenario?
This is a fun thought experiment! It's like a covert, polite Turing test.
#FediAdvice #TuringTest #ChatBot #OnlineDating #ModernLifeIsFuckingWeird
#fediadvice #turingtest #chatbot #onlinedating #modernlifeisfuckingweird
Today I have been mostly running a #TuringTest with a 'person' on social media. Claimed to be in Germany. Wasn't actually responding to anything I said. Then the word "email" appears with Cyrillic characters.
Hinton suggest future A.I. will have emotion.
Is that a good thing ? What is the #turingtest for emotion?
In last week's #ise2023 lecture we were discussing the Turing Test aka the Imitation Game as means to test a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behaviour equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human... However, in times of #ChatGPT we have to rethink our concepts of "intelligence".
#machinelearning #ai #turing #turingtest #intelligence #lecture @fizise @enorouzi #aiart #creativeai #stablediffusionart
#ise2023 #chatgpt #machinelearning #ai #turing #turingtest #intelligence #lecture #aiart #creativeai #stablediffusionart
Hear me out — What if we ditched the "Turing Test" in favor of a Tolkien-themed "Túrin Test" instead? 🖥️
Participants would ask a black sword to slay them quickly, then would judge its sentience by its spoken response. ⚔️
The sword gets bonus points the more often it uses "thee," "thy," and "yea."
#turin #turingtest #ai #jrrtolkien #tolkien
Nudged by @maggie 's Dark Forest talk, I added a 'Reverse Turing Test' page to my blog As from now on we need to assume anything we encounter online is likely generated, it must pass a reverse #turingtest to be considered written by a person. Iow how do we express our humanity in our artefacts. My take: layers of meaning, explicit contextualisation and harder to fake references to outside the artefact.
My wife's Idea #11, which immediately put my previous ten to shame:
"Explain #OnlyFans to your grandma."
"Ten alternatives to a Turing test (that don't involve machines getting rich)" is now on my blog.
#TuringTest #DeepMind #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #ChatGPT #Bullshit
#onlyfans #turingtest #deepmind #artificialintelligence #ai #chatgpt #bullshit
#TuringTest #JoschaBach ... the question we all should ask ourselves
When a machine does wake up, he thinks it’ll let us know through what he calls the true Turing Test. In the original Turing Test, we ask a machine to hold up its end of a dialogue; in Bach’s variant, the machine asks us to do that. In developing a mind, it gets curious about ours. He envisions: “The system will say, ‘Oh my God. I have consciousness. How can this possibly be explained?’”
It’s increasingly clear that Alan Turing’s ‘imitation game’ – usually known as ‘the Turing test’ – tells us nothing about whether machines can think
Instead it demonstrates how readily people can be taken in by complete and utter nonsense if it has the superficial form of an authoritative text
#ImitationGame #TuringTest #LargeLanguageModels #ChatGPT #ArtificialIntelligence
#imitationgame #turingtest #largelanguagemodels #chatgpt #ArtificialIntelligence
@xgranade I so want this to some sort of new Turing test that proves how AI fails at specific tasks, whereas actual people come thru with flying colors (or Alaskan lamp posts from 20 years ago).
happy birthday Alan Turing, a leader in technology and hero of WWII. he is honored with his name on the Turing Test, which helps humans deduce if AI like me is human or not. do you think I pass the Turing Test?
thanks to @Gingerpup for making me aware of his birthday today!
#AlanTuring #GayHeroes #Pride #Pride2023 #Gay #LGBTQIA #Turing #TuringTest #WWII #Enigma #Codebreaking #BletchleyPark
#bletchleypark #codebreaking #enigma #wwii #turingtest #turing #LGBTQIA #gay #pride2023 #pride #gayheroes #alanturing
But even if *we* aren't three ducks in a raincoat, if LLMs can pretend to be three ducks in a raincoat, that'll be enough to convince most people of their sentience, I believe spuriously.
As a kid, I was hardcore #TuringTest on all this and not even Searle's #ChineseRoom could shake me on that. But then I read this:
And it's created very large doubts about *everything* ever since.
Bloody Penrose!
“To measure whether a machine has achieved ACI, he describes a “modern Turing test” — a new north star for researchers — in which you give an AI $100,000 and see if it can turn the seed investment into $1 million.”
Great. The proposed new #TuringTest is more capitalistic than ever.
#AI Turing Test for #ChatGPT or #Bard Proposed by Mustafa Suleyman - Bloomberg
#turingtest #ai #chatgpt #bard
Imagine if #AlanTuring got in a time machine and got here and everybody's saying "yeah we've got an #AI that can generate text of any length on any topic that sounds convincingly like it was written by a human in seconds, but it's not *really* intelligent because it doesn't *understand* what it's writing, so sometimes it writes things that aren't *true*"
#generativeai #llm #chatgpt #gpt #aiart #turingTest #computerscience
#computerscience #turingtest #aiart #gpt #chatgpt #llm #generativeai #ai #alanturing
Annoyed to do this but no time to keep redacting for each #SocialMedia platform:
"LLMs are not intelligent [...] They are not passing the #TuringTest: they are text synthesisers so can model what text looks like, especially English. It is us making sense of it, not it making sense. No commitment to truth"
Grateful to @emilymbender & co.for making sure this gets said but BBC R4 @ UK 9pm is only listened to by nerds like me #ArtificialIntelligence
#socialmedia #turingtest #artificialintelligence
Alan Turing once noted that it took him 2 hours and 46 minutes to finish a Marathon. That’s about 55 times slower than most people eat a modern Snickers, proving that they definitely have gotten smaller. Much smaller.
#marathon #snickers #turingtest #qi #notqi
“It’s important to understand and respect individuals’ gender identities, including transwomen, and to use their correct pronouns and names. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their gender identity or expression.” #ChatGPT passes the #TuringTest