People-smugglers ‘recruiting Russian captains for migrant boats to Italy’
#ItalyMEWS #RussiaMEWS #TurkeyMEWS #MigrationMEWS #HumanTraffickingMEWS #EuropeMEWS #UkraineMEWS #WorldNewsMEWS #EuropeanUnionMEWS
Russians have replaced Ukrainians since the war began and at least 14 have been arrested in Italy, NGOs claimPeople-smugglers are recruiting dozens of Rus...
#italymews #russiamews #turkeymews #migrationmews #humantraffickingmews #europemews #ukrainemews #worldnewsmews #europeanunionmews
Turkey condemns burning of Qur’an during far-right protest in Sweden
#SwedenMEWS #TurkeyMEWS #IslamMEWS #EuropeMEWS #ReligionMEWS #ProtestMEWS #NatoMEWS
Event in front of Turkish embassy will further inflame tensions between two countriesTurkey has condemned a demonstration involving the burning of Qur’ans in Sweden on Saturday, further inflaming tensions betwe...
#swedenmews #turkeymews #islammews #europemews #religionmews #protestmews #natomews