Turkey Tail mushrooms, so named because of their shape and patterns, are a type of bracket fungus commonly found growing on dead tree trunks and branches.
Cormacscoast.com Walking tours
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Turkey Tail Complete— Our new private labeled product!
Turkey Tail Complete is our private labeled organic sourced Turkey Tail.
This new product has a wide range of medicinal qualities. Turkey Tail has the ability to restrict tumor progression in hormone-dependent prostate cancers, increase GABA production in the brain, & boost overall immune function.
Whether you are struggling from cancer, mental illness, or autoimmune disorders, Turkey Tail is a great addition to your health plan & one of Dr. Conners’ favorites.
Learn more about the healing properties of mushrooms in Dr. Conners’ new book, Medicinal Mushrooms: How to Unlock Nature’s Chemo
Visit ConnersClinic.com/Mushrooms to download this book for FREE!
Check out this new product at Shop.ConnersClinic.com
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