RT @domdyer70
Incredible, all lives matter #TurkishEarthquake https://twitter.com/tansuyegen/status/1630251792750751747
Graeme Keyes on #Erdogan #Erdoğan #TurkishEarthquake - political cartoon gallery in London original-political-cartoon.com
Shining the light is important #turkishearthquake
Videos show Turkey’s Erdogan boasting about lax building regulations in earthquake epicentre - The Telegraph https://apple.news/AV38VrdIrTmCGmdUlQvxmCw
RT @domdyer70
He came to save lives & paid with his life. Let his death be a sea change moment in Turkey over the treatment of dogs #TurkishEarthquake
RT @womensart1
Aula Al Ayoubi, contemporary Syrian artist.
Thoughts are with all the thousands of families who have lost loved ones. #TurkishEarthquake #Syria_earthquake
#syria_earthquake #turkishearthquake
interesting that none of the reporting on the #Syrian # #TurkishEarthquake mentions the #Kurds. The Kurds were heroes fighting #ISIS but are now invisible. Syrian & Turkish govts slackness is helping victims is part of the politics of the Kurds & other minorities.
#syrian #turkishearthquake #Kurds #isis
Wzrosła liczba ofiar śmiertelnych trzęsienia ziemi w Turcji
#turcja #turkey #turkish #turkishearthquake #news
#BraveLeaders #CommunityHeroes and #TurkishEarthquake are making headlines and saving lives. People from all over Turkey have come together to help in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake. What have you done to give back? https://www.GPTrending.com/#/?date=2023-02-10&topic=Haluk Levent
#turkishearthquake #CommunityHeroes #braveleaders
Liczba ofiar śmiertelnych w trzęsieniu ziemi w Turcji osiągnęła już 17 134, prawie na równi z drugą najbardziej śmiertelną i definiującą katastrofą trzęsienia ziemi w 1999 roku.
#turcja #turkey #turkiye #turkishearthquake #poland #polska #trzesienieziemii #news #reboostpls #podajdalej #LooknijTo #ObczajTo #photography #katastrofa
#turcja #turkey #turkiye #turkishearthquake #poland #polska #trzesienieziemii #news #reboostpls #podajdalej #looknijto #obczajto #photography #katastrofa
We are deeply saddened by the recent earthquake in Turkey and extend our deepest sympathies to all those affected. Our hearts go out to you during this difficult time. We are committed to helping those impacted, and will be making a large donation of both money and clothing for relief efforts.
Turkey-Syria earthquake death toll passes 11,000
#turcja #turkey #turkiye #turkishearthquake #Syria #news #reboostpls #podajdalej #LooknijTo #ObczajTo #poland #polska #wiadomosci
#turcja #turkey #turkiye #turkishearthquake #syria #news #reboostpls #podajdalej #looknijto #obczajto #poland #polska #wiadomosci
#turkey #turkiye #turkishearthquake #turcja #news #podajdalej #reboost #poland
Trzesienie o sile 7,8 stopni w skali Richtera, do jakiego doszło nad ranem w poniedziałek w południowej Turcji i pótnocno zachodniej Syrii, dotknęło kilkanascie miast, ruinowało dziesiątki tysiecy budynków, a wstrząsy odczuwalne były w Izraelu, Libanie, Grecji, Iraku, w Egipcie i na Cyprze.
Jest już blisko pięć tysięcy ofiar i kilkanaście tysięcy rannych, ratownicy walczą z gruzami, fatalną pogodą i czekają na pomoc płynącą z całego świata
#turcja #turkey #turkishearthquake #fediverse #Syria
#turcja #turkey #turkishearthquake #fediverse #syria
The #earthquake in #Kahramanmaraş #Elbistan and the #collapse of the #buildings after it was reflected on the car camera.
#turkishearthquake #turkey #buildings #collapse #elbistan #kahramanmaras #earthquake
Prayer for Turkey
#childrensbooks #childrensbookartist #childrensbookillustrator #kidlit #kidlitart #picturebooks
#art #illustration #drawing #dailydrawing #dailyartshare
#midnightatelier #yukotorii
#turkey #turkey🇹🇷 #prayerforturkey #earthquake #turkishearthquake
#scbwi #cbignyc #childrensbooks #childrensbookartist #childrensbookillustrator #kidlit #kidlitart #picturebooks #art #illustration #drawing #dailydrawing #dailyartshare #midnightatelier #yukotorii #turkey #prayerforturkey #earthquake #turkishearthquake
#Turkish military sets up air aid corridor to #earthquake zone -ministry
#turkish #earthquake #turkishearthquake #turkey