We are kicking off the fall season with the first meetup on Wednesday, 27.9. at Loikka.
@apkoponen joins us to talk about frontend testing and Jere Laine joins us to talk about images in the web.
Registration opens 13.9. at 12.00 via https://meetabit.com/events/turku-3-frontend-september-meetup-with-loikka-2023
#turkudev #turkufrontend #turku #meetup #frontend
We wanted to have some extra fun and social activity for the meetup this month.
So we got our very own Teemu to host a frontend pub quiz and he's asking all the important questions.
Our main speaker today, Daniel Yuschick, is here to talk about the accessibility mindset.
"Accessible design is good design"
After everyone got their food made, time to kick off the 50th meetup 🎉
Thanks Vincit for hosting our celebratory meetup and opening the doors to us.
What a great way to celebrate the end of spring and our 50th meetup than making your own pizza while making new friends.
We're at our meetup at Vincit today.
Today is a great day. We're celebrating our 50th meetup and the end of the spring season at Vincit today.
A month ago @matsuuu tooted his excitement about import maps ( https://mastodon.world/@matsuuu/110112265254728169 ) so we invited him to share it with our community.
All the way from #Tampere, Jurkka joined us to talk about how he rewrote his movie rating app from EmberJS to Next.js.
#tampere #turkufrontend #vaadin
We are at Vaadin today for our March #turkufrontend meetup and almost half of the audience are first timers 😍
Thank you for hosting us.