Marktbericht: Powell-Rede kein Paukenschlag
Nach der Rede von US-Notenbankpräsident Jerome Powell wissen die Investoren so viel wie zuvor: Die Federal Reserve wird die Zinsen weiter anheben, falls es erforderlich sein sollte. Der DAX schließt im Plus.
#Marktbericht #DAX #Turnaround #Kurseaktuell #Renditen #Börse #Powell
#marktbericht #dax #turnaround #kurseaktuell #renditen #borse #powell
Marktbericht: Anleger optimistisch vor Jackson Hole
Vor den mit Spannung erwarteten Reden von Fed-Chef Powell und EZB-Chefin Lagarde beim Notenbanker-Treffen in Jackson Hole sind die Investoren zuversichtlich. DAX und Dow Jones notieren in der Gewinnzone.
#Marktbericht #DAX #Turnaround #Kurseaktuell #Renditen #Börse #Powell
#marktbericht #dax #turnaround #kurseaktuell #renditen #borse #powell
Marktbericht: Nervosität an der Börse steigt vor Powell-Rede
Der DAX versucht, sich nach seinem gestrigen Kursrutsch zu stabilisieren. Doch wie es an der Börse weitergeht, wird erst heute Nachmittag entschieden. Dann ergreift Fed-Chef Jerome Powell in Jackson Hole das Wort.
#Marktbericht #DAX #Turnaround #Kurseaktuell #Renditen #Börse #Powell
#marktbericht #dax #turnaround #kurseaktuell #renditen #borse #powell
Marktbericht: DAX ist technisch angeschlagen
Mit dem gestrigen Kursrutsch hat sich das charttechnische Bild im DAX schlagartig eingetrübt. Steigende US-Zinserwartungen vor der mit Spannung erwarteten Rede des Fed-Chefs Jerome Powell lasten auf den Kursen.
#Marktbericht #DAX #Turnaround #Kurseaktuell #Renditen #Börse #Powell
#marktbericht #dax #turnaround #kurseaktuell #renditen #borse #powell
Marktbericht: DAX-Turnaround mit Folgen
Der DAX hat gestern eine scharfe Kehrtwende aufs Parkett gelegt und eine wichtige Unterstützung gerissen. Die weiteren Perspektiven am deutschen Aktienmarkt haben sich damit auf einen Schlag deutlich eingetrübt.
#Marktbericht #DAX #Turnaround #Kurseaktuell #Renditen #Börse #Powell
#marktbericht #dax #turnaround #kurseaktuell #renditen #borse #powell
Both the #S&P 500 and #nasdaq 100 hit their daily highs in the first 30 minutes (the S&P in the first 5 min) and are gradually drifting lower. They’re not far off their highs and a #turnaround is still possible but the #trend is not encouraging. #stocks #stockmarket
#s #nasdaq #turnaround #trend #stocks #stockmarket
Går Bonnie Tyler ein høg gang.... #turnaround #retro #verneverdig
#turnaround #retro #verneverdig
A new book reveals how Southwest Airlines transformed its culture and performance by focusing on turnaround time. Turnaround time is when it takes to unload, service, and reload a plane between flights. The book shows Southwest used this metric to align its employees, customers, and shareholders around a common goal and create a competitive advantage.
[R-18] おしりの産毛3 (13枚) #Fantasfic
#アナル #ケツ毛 #四つん這い #振り向き #後ろ姿 #メイド服
#anal #assHair #allFours #turnAround #backView #MaidClothes
#MaidClothes #backview #turnaround #allfours #asshair #anal #メイド服 #後ろ姿 #振り向き #四つん這い #ケツ毛 #アナル #fantasfic
[R-18] おしりの産毛 (6枚) #Fantasfic
#アナル #ケツ毛 #四つん這い #振り向き #後ろ姿 #メイド服
#anal #assHair #allFours #turnAround #backView #MaidClothes
#MaidClothes #backview #turnaround #allfours #asshair #anal #メイド服 #後ろ姿 #振り向き #四つん這い #ケツ毛 #アナル #fantasfic
Tras el gigantesco éxito de Nevermind empezaron a proliferar grabaciones piratas de los directos de la banda que se vendían en el mercado negro. Por eso la compañia decidió editar un disco con canciones descartadas en los dos primeros discos al que Cobain bautizó como "Incesticide". Un disco "Frankenstein" en el que podemos encontrar joyas de la primera etapa de la banda como "Turnaround".
Con ustedes...
#nirvana #kurtcobain #incesticide #turnaround #music #música #cancion #song #rock #pop #clasico #classic #art #arte #grunge
#nirvana #kurtcobain #incesticide #turnaround #music #musica #cancion #song #rock #pop #clasico #classic #art #arte #grunge
Can't decide between model 1 (the full bodies) or model 2 (the head turnaround). Think I'm leaning towards 2? I is more disney I think, and the other is more.... well, a bit whack and I like that. But maybe a kid would like the disney version better. I prolly should ask my nieces and nephews...
#MastoArt #art #dog #turnaround #critique
#critique #turnaround #dog #art #MastoArt
a little palisade I made for a thing I'm working on
#blender #b3d #3d #handpainted #turnaround
not sure how far I'll take this since I don't usually do characters but I've been messing around with proportions for an anthropomorphized stoat
#blender #b3d #character #anthro #stoat #turnaround
Interesting case of a #turnaround of a #remote #place. Or is ot a risky business betting on a single surging sector?
Northvolt: the Swedish start-up charging Europe’s battery ambitions - via @FT
PSA, my Mastodonian friends:
This may sound goofy, but do not *ever* drive through standing water. I saw other cars doing it & thought “I’ll be fine.”
The light in my car came on indicating my tires weren’t touching the road & for the first time in 38 years, I almost peed on myself. I was veering off of the road. I managed to steer the car toward the middle of the road & thankfully regained traction. I hate dark water & I can’t describe the terror brought on by my own stupidity.
Model sheet for Amy. There are two models here, think I'll go with the one that has dynamic poses. I think the eyes make more sense.
#art #MastoArt #CreativeToots #TheMagicVial #Amy #turnaround
#turnaround #amy #themagicvial #creativetoots #mastoart #art
#Aerotelegraph - Technologie: Airlines investieren in Hacker-Schutz und Turnarounds - #Cybersicherheit #cyber-security #turnaround #Airlines #Hacker #sita
#Aerotelegraph #cybersicherheit #cyber #turnaround #airlines #hacker #sita
Rough turnaround to figure out the design of the character (Xenia).
#characterdesign #traditionalanimation #animation #2danimation #deruji #turnaround #デザイン #キャラデザイン #アニメーション #アニメ #原画 #デルジ
#characterdesign #traditionalanimation #animation #2danimation #deruji #turnaround #デザイン #キャラデザイン #アニメーション #アニメ #原画 #デルジ
Rough turnaround to figure out the design of the character (Xenia).
#characterdesign #traditionalanimation #animation #2danimation #deruji #turnaround #デザイン #キャラデザイン #アニメーション #アニメ #原画 #デルジ
#characterdesign #traditionalanimation #animation #2danimation #deruji #turnaround #デザイン #キャラデザイン #アニメーション #アニメ #原画 #デルジ