All this BS about "ecofascism" is just a re-packaging of Faux News and Alex Jones. "Ecofascism" is something made up by wanna-be leftwing who are too scared of actual-existing fascists to engage in the antif-fascist struggle against real fascism.
So, instead, they attack environmentalism, hoping to deflect nazi attention from themselves.
We need to stand with climate change activists and reproductive rights activists.
The planet does have constraints and more and more human development to accomodate unlimited human growth means- roads, dams, cars.
All that shit is killing the planet and taking habitat away from lions and tigers and bears and whales and birds and frogs and every other living organism,
What this means is NOT the mass genocide claimed by these intellectual know-nothings who rant about "ecofasicst ideology".
What this means is it is a woman's right to choose whether or not to carry your manchild for nine months of unpaid labor to perpetrate your patriarchy.
What this means is that empowering women will result in stable population rather than the force-motherhood racket with which the #patriarchy has imposed its rule.
The ideology of attacking #ecofeminism as #ecofascism is as despicable as #terf and #tankie ideology and it is really just another specimen of #falseconsciousness and Glenn Greewald style #turncoat defection from the genuine #left #anarchist movement.
#patriarchy #ecofeminism #ecofascism #terf #tankie #falseconsciousness #turncoat #left #Anarchist
(202)-224-4521 Anyone can leave a voice mail for Senator Sinema to let her know that when you donated or voted for her, your support was predicated on the fact that she was a Democrat. We supported a Democrat. We don't vote 'independent', 'Green', 'Republican', etc let her know #sinema #turncoat #arizona #AZ
#az #Arizona #turncoat #sinema
#italian bosslady goes #turncoat over digital ID.
#italian #turncoat #evilsatanists
#italian bosslady goes #turncoat over digital ID.
#italian #turncoat #evilsatanists
Any MP who crosses the floor is a disgrace. He has turned his back on the party that supported him. Disrespected the voters who put him in office as their Tory candidate and will now be a member of the Liberal Democrats who will never be able to fully trust him. #Turncoat