Which #BostonMA #OfficeBuildings are joining in? And how many could #TurnOffTheLights every night? Let's see how dark can we go & how many #stars we can see in our #cities. #RestoreNature #DarkSkies #SaveEnergy #ClimateCrisis @CindyCreem @SeanGarballeyMA @RepSimonCataldo #MAPoli QT @UNGeneva: https://nitter.grimneko.de/UNGeneva/status/1639364965005148160#m
#bostonma #officebuildings #turnoffthelights #stars #cities #restorenature #darkskies #saveenergy #climatecrisis #mapoli
@doctorjaymarie Not quite! Let’s not forget the legendary #TeddyPendergrass. He was all about some good love making with his woman! #TurnOffTheLights
But yeah, young people in love write songs about being in love - and they’re the most popular songs in ANY decade. Gotta’ scratch that itch!
#teddypendergrass #turnoffthelights #letsgetiton
Stars are still visible here, but a view of the Milky Way is much rarer than 10 years ago, and to the south the night sky is orange. Bad for human health, disastrous for wildlife, and a waste of resources pouring straight into climate change. #TurnOffTheLights https://literaryreview.co.uk/end-of-the-night