I am flabbergasted by this really awful design for the Mini Cooper rear turn signals. There are arrows incorporated into the design of the lenses, but they point the opposite way from what would make sense. The left turn signal has an arrow that points to the right, and the right signal points left. Who the hell designed these? How did they make it through a design review?
#mini #minicooper #turnsignal #baddesign #designfail
#mini #minicooper #turnsignal #baddesign #designfail
use your #TurnSignal 100ft before turning, or just do whatever the F you want because you're cutting through the school parking lot like you were on a bike anyway.
@jazzhampton Hello!
Hashtags are the only way for people to find this outside of my limited, largely non-US audience.
As someone who has done such good work with making such an essential app, you should probably be known to:
#BlackMasto #BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter
#DefundThePolice #TurnSignal #TurnSignalApp #JazzHampton
Hope this finds you some support and connections!
#BlackMasto #blackmastodon #blacktwitter #defundthepolice #turnsignal #turnsignalapp #jazzhampton
Bicycle Gets Turn Signals and Brake Lights for Added Safety https://hackaday.com/2022/11/28/bicycle-gets-turn-signals-and-brake-lights-for-added-safety/ #TransportationHacks #CircuitPlayground #accelerometer #brakelights #turnsignal #backpack #bicycle #safety #bike #led
#led #TransportationHacks #bicycle #bike #circuitplayground #accelerometer #brakelights #turnsignal #backpack #safety
Bicycle Gets Turn Signals and Brake Lights for Added Safety - Traveling by bicycle can be a fun and exciting mode of transportation, and can als... - https://hackaday.com/2022/11/28/bicycle-gets-turn-signals-and-brake-lights-for-added-safety/ #transportationhacks #circuitplayground #accelerometer #brakelights #turnsignal #backpack #bicycle #safety #bike #led
#led #bike #safety #bicycle #backpack #turnsignal #brakelights #accelerometer #circuitplayground #transportationhacks