Das Motto des heutigen Streams ist: Der Amiga gibt alles! Damals im Amiga Joker Test das erste mal gelesen und fürwahr sie hatten recht. Wir geben uns heute Abend Apidya und Turrican 2 und vielleicht Ports of Call zum runterkommen? #retro #retrogaming #retrogamer #retrogames #twitch #twitchDE #commodore #amiga #commodoreamiga #amigagames #amigagaming #amigagamer #turrican2 #apidya #portsofcall
#retro #retrogaming #retrogamer #retrogames #twitch #twitchde #commodore #amiga #commodoreamiga #amigagames #amigagaming #amigagamer #turrican2 #apidya #portsofcall
I got the right powerup but I still got killed. I probably need a different powerup. 😐
#Turrican #TurricanFlashback #turrican2 #runngun #Shmup
#turrican #turricanflashback #turrican2 #runngun #shmup
Welches der beiden Games ist Eurer Meinung nach besser und warum? :blobthinking:
#turrican #factor5 #snes #nintendo #turrican2 #retrogaming
Oh Wow! Turrican 2 AGA Released for Amiga (and Amiga Emulators): https://sonicslothgames.itch.io/turrican2aga #linux #linuxgaming #update #release #retro #turrican2 #aga #amiga #emulator #turrican #classic
#linux #release #turrican2 #aga #amiga #emulator #turrican #classic #linuxgaming #update #retro
I love the #Turrican2 #AGA remake🤗
I play it on Retropie because I get a perfect joystick setup there🕹
RT @JoachimHesse@twitter.com
Fans haben von #Turrican2 eine komplett neu programmierte #AGA-Version für #Amiga veröffentlicht: https://sonicslothgames.itch.io/turrican2aga
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JoachimHesse/status/1607308894111518722
The enhanced Turrican II AGA is lovely. Original version was already one of my all time fave games but this version for AGA Amigas with extra RAM is extra nice. Reprogammed from scratch, added colour (mixing in much of the DOS version's graphics), parallax, joypad controls, all sorts of extra features. #Turrican #Turrican2 #Amiga #retrogaming
#turrican #turrican2 #amiga #retrogaming
The enhanced Turrican II AGA is lovely. Original version was already one of my all time fave games but this version for AGA Amigas with extra RAM is extra nice. Reprogammed from scratch, added colour (mixing in much of the DOS version's graphics), parallax, joypad controls, all sorts of extra features. #Turrican #Turrican2 #Amiga #retrogaming
#turrican #turrican2 #amiga #retrogaming
The enhanced Turrican II AGA is lovely. Original version was already one of my all time fave games but this version for AGA Amigas with extra RAM is extra nice. Reprogammed from scratch, added colour, parallax, joypad controls, all sorts of extra features. #Turrican #Turrican2 #Amiga #retrogaming
#turrican #turrican2 #amiga #retrogaming
The enhanced Turrican II AGA is lovely. Original version was already one of my all time fave games but this version for AGA Amigas with extra RAM is extra nice. Reprogammed from scratch, added colour, parallax, joypad controls, all sorts of extra features. #Turrican #Turrican2 #Amiga #retrogaming
#turrican #turrican2 #amiga #retrogaming
[AMIGA] Rilasciato Turrican 2 The Final Fight
Per i possessori di Amiga o Amiga Mini arriva quest'oggi una bellissima notizia. Dopo mesi di sviluppo Turrican 2 The Final Fight è stato rilasciato dallo sviluppatore Sonic Sloth.Turrican 2 The Final Fight è un remake gratuito e non ufficiale della versione PC-DOS di Turrican 2 per Amiga AGA a 24 bit
#AMIGA #Amiga #amiga1200 #amiga4000 #amigamini #ms-dos #turrican2
#amiga #amiga1200 #amiga4000 #Amigamini #ms #turrican2
#Turrican2 #AGA is great🤗
I let it run on my #RetroPie and it plays great in 2 button mode with the input setup from the last picture🤙
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 lot de jeux #snes #supernintendo #RetroGaming #DonkeyKongCountry #dkc #dkc2 #MortalKombat #mk2 #Ranma #starfox #superbomberman #bomberman #dragonslair #DragonBallZ #actraiser2 #homealone #JurassicPark #turrican2 #supermarioallstars #illusionoftime #AddamsFamily
#snes #supernintendo #retrogaming #donkeykongcountry #dkc #dkc2 #mortalkombat #mk2 #ranma #starfox #superbomberman #bomberman #dragonslair #dragonballz #actraiser2 #homealone #jurassicpark #turrican2 #supermarioallstars #illusionoftime #addamsfamily