@gerowen what a coincidence, I've just started messing around with Wireguard on my #openwrt #turrisomnia router and I am still kinda lost. I have my key pair generated along with a QR code. Do I need to manually add all clients as peers on my server? What's the best strategy to select addresses for clients?
I guess I have some reading to do.
I have been using the Turris Omnia router for two weeks now and I am very pleased with it.
Personne avec un #TurrisOmnia et un problème de port forwarding ? En effet je n'arrive pas a renew mes cert letsencrypt a cause d'un timeout lors de la verification http-01 (likely firewall problem) mais les ports sont bien NATé un telnet / nmap indique un port ouvert qui répond
Syncthing goes well with Turris Omnia. Love how you can choose the direction of syncing for each machine.
#syncthing #turrisomnia #turris
Happy to see #turrisomnia still going strong. It has been one of my better buys, still going strong with new updates and features after... 6? years and now there is a upgrade kit available to add WiFi6
Strongly recommend to anyone who's looking to upgrade their WiFi and willing to spend a bit more to get a versatile, sustainable and open source piece of hardware which won't stop receiving updates the moment the vendor releases the next new thing.
#TurrisOmnia, split DNS et #DNSSEC.
J'ai besoin d'une entrée ipv4 en split DNS pour que mon reverse proxy présenté sur internet soit aussi joignable en interne de mon réseau domestique.
Mon idée de configuration :
dnsmasq sert la zone exemple.tld
dans dnsmasq l'@IP v4 porte.exemple.tld est interne genre 192.168.x.y.
dans le serveur DNS sur interne, c'est l'IPv4 fournie par mon ISP.
Exemple.tld est signé sur le grand ternet.
Est-ce que knot resolver va couiner pour des soucis de signature ?
\o/ Je viens enfin de récupérer un prefix IPv6 d'orange sur mon #turrisomnia.
Je vais enfin pouvoir supprimer ma livebox.
#DearMastomind I am trying to grok kresd, the Knot Resolver (used on the Turris Omnia) ... and ... am encoutering impenetrable documentation.
If there's anyone famiar with it, my current goals:
My other option is to redo my DNS configuration using DNSMasq. Which quite frankly is probably preferable as its documentation and configuration are much more sane.
#kresd #KnotResolver #Turris #Omnia #TurrisOmnia #OpenWRT #DNS #dnsmasq
#dearMastomind #kresd #knotresolver #turris #omnia #turrisomnia #openwrt #dns #dnsmasq
@R1Rail Fait ce matin. Pas mal de cafouillages nécessitant une intervention manuelle après https://forum.turris.cz/t/migrating-from-turris-os-3-to-5-basic-functions-work-but-many-others-dont/13943
Il me reste à réparer les containers LXC, tout cassés.
#turris #turrisomnia #turrisos
@frederikstroem next time get a router that allows to fully control LEDs like #turrisomnia I don't work for turris, I'm jus a happy user 😃
Setting up #OpenVPN on #turrisomnia router + Open VPN for android from #fdroid was too easy - no fun in it 😜 All I had to do was to change server address and it all "just worked" 😍
Y a-t-il des utilisateurs du #TurrisOmnia sur #Bordeaux je suis très intéressé mais j'aimerai voir / avoir des retours avant d'acheter