I think what happened is that the person I was responding to deleted their post before I posted my response.
So a better error message is needed.
#tuskyapp #tuskyhelp #tuskyerrormessage
@Tusky seems to be... in trouble. #Tusky #TuskyApp
Di recente anche la guida ufficiale di Mastodon ha modificato il termine "Toot" (che, per chi non lo sapesse, in inglese significa anche "peto") in un più generico "Post". Sulla nostra fantastica #TuskyApp il pulsante in italiano è ancora "Toot!" e penso che andrebbe cambiato. Sì, ma in cosa lo traduciamo (poi mi occupo io di tutto, no problemo)?
#tuskyapp #traduzione #traduzionisegrete #tusky
Wie kriegt man eigentlich den Reiter #Entdecken in #Tusky angezeigt? Ich finde den Reiter bisher ur im Webinterface, aber nicht in der #tuskyapp Und ohne ist Mastodon irgendwie echt schwach.
@TCD @utzer @derpostillon
Das hängt auch vom Client ab. Hier in der #tuskyapp (für #Android) ist die Vorschau größer.
@paulschoe @Mastodon Thank you for replying :) I'm assuming they have deliberately coded the app to remove the bell icon then once an account has been followed? I wonder why that would be? Unless that is the actual default and other app developers have to actually add that in? It makes it inconvenient to have to log into the web version to simply have to deselect the notification bell icon on the accounts you no longer want notifications from. Thanks again! #tuskyapp #tusky #fedilab #fedilabs
#tuskyapp #tusky #fedilab #fedilabs
Again about Android third party clients for Mastodon.
Tried Trunks for a week or so: it's features packed but I found it slow and somewhat clunky.
Am now on Tusky and I'm loving it: it feels like the vanilla app, but it's better in any way.
Tusky lässt mich keine Fotos mehr teilen "Error processing upladed media".
Äh, was ist da los? #tuskyapp
is there no way to block/mute an instance on #tuskyapp or #fedilabapp ? i don't want porn on my timeline, especially not fetish porn...
My app for Mastodon really wants to eat my mothering app. #Mastodon #Apps #tuskyapp #homescreen
#mastodon #apps #tuskyapp #homescreen
Gibt es in der #tuskyapp auch die Möglichkeit, sich Tröts übersetzen zu lassen?