@yuki2501 This post that @megalodon boosted shows some good examples. Mainly for me it's the layout of the timelines and the individual posts, the drop-down timeline picker, and little things like "missing alt-text" indicators. It's primarily about the subjective feel.
Plus, #megalodon seems to update and add new feature support faster than #tusky does (unless you're using the #tuskydev nightly).
Not missing #elon even slightly, so #ByeTwitterHiMastodon - but missing convenient #translation. Any chance #tuskydev?
#elon #ByeTwitterHiMastodon #translation #tuskydev
@androiddev Anyone have good resources to QUICKLY learn Android layout xml/editor, basic activity/fragment stuff, for an experienced Android (crossplatform) dev? Ideally in #Kotlin. I've been doing #AndroidDev for a long time but it's always been with a crossplatform framework so I rarely touched the UI layer, but I'm trying to ramp up to do some work on #Tusky.
#kotlin #androiddev #tusky #tuskydev #androiddevelopers
Tusky seems to be doing this thing where it loads messages from eight hours ago as if they're new? #tuskydev
@ConnyDuck yesterday I made a complete overhaul on the Swedish translation for Tusky. #tuskydev #translate
@ConnyDuck corrected some errors in the Swedish translation. #tuskydev #translate
@ConnyDuck swedish strings are updated. The project called Tusky-app got strings that can't be saved because of length. #tuskydev #translate