Excited to see that our collaboration with #ComputerVisionLab of #TUWien
meets with such great interest. 📽️🎙️
We would like to thank @fwf & @ACDHCH_OeAW for supporting our research!
#OpenAccess #DigitalHumanities #DH #AustrianAuden #AudenMusulinPapers
#computervisionlab #tuwien #openaccess #DigitalHumanities #dh #austrianauden #audenmusulinpapers
Wir freuen uns sehr, dass die Ergebnisse unserer Zusammenarbeit mit dem #ComputerVisionLab der #TUWien
auf so großes Interesse stoßen. 📽️🎙️
Wir bedanken uns bei @fwf & @ACDHCH_OeAW für die Unterstützung unserer Forschung!
Releasing v0.4.0 of the Auden Musulin Papers #DigitalEdition.
👉 https://amp.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/cv.html features our collaboration with #tuwien's #ComputerVisionLab to retrieve (partly unknown) poetry by #WHAuden from indented impressions.
#AustrianAuden #DH #DigitalHumanities #ComputerVision #PhotometricStereo @fwf @ACDHCH_OeAW
#DigitalEdition #tuwien #computervisionlab #whauden #austrianauden #dh #DigitalHumanities #computervision #photometricstereo
[Mehrere Anrufe hintereinander] A: … B: No sex. No. A: … B: This is TU Wien. No, no sex. TU Wien. A: … B: TU Wien. No sex. A: … B: We are out of sex today. A: … B: No sex today for you. #tuwien @zid_tuwien https://fsinfquotes.jvales.net/index.php/single?qid=749
Gerade von der TU-Wien würde man doch erwarten, dass sie solch eine Infrastruktur selber betreiben kann um sich nicht in die Hand von US-Konzernen zu begeben?
"Statt die nachhaltige Entwicklung von freier Infrastruktur zu fördern, scheint die Uni lieber in Tech-Monopole zu investieren.”
Wie ließe sich eine zeitgenössische Nolli-Karte auf Basis der #OpenStreetMap erstellen?
Am Freitag den 18.3. präsentiert unsere Studentin Ester Scheck Zwischenergebnisse aus ihrer Masterarbeit über die Verwendung von OSM-Daten zur Kartierung des urbanen, öffentlichen Raums auf der #FOSSGIS in Berlin.
Mehr Information
zur Konferenz: https://fossgis-konferenz.de/2023/
zum Vortrag: https://pretalx.com/fossgis2023/talk/Y77U8A/
#UrbaneZukunft #FHPotsdam #TUWien #Datenvisualisierung #Kartierung #OpenData #ÖffentlicherRaum
#openstreetmap #fossgis #urbanezukunft #fhpotsdam #tuwien #datenvisualisierung #kartierung #opendata #offentlicherraum
Today (Mar 7), I'm doing a remote talk for #TUWien:
On Mar 9, you can catch me in person in #Austin at the UT School of Design and Creative Technologies:
And remotely at #UManitoba's Ethics of Emerging Tech Lecture:
On Mar 10, Rebecca Giblin and I kick off the #SXSW reading series:
#tuwien #austin #umanitoba #sxsw
Tomorrow (Mar 7), I'm doing a remote talk for #TUWien:
On Mar 9, you can catch me in person in #Austin at the UT School of Design and Creative Technologies:
And remotely at #UManitoba's Ethics of Emerging Tech Lecture:
On Mar 10, Rebecca Giblin and I kick off the #SXSW reading series:
#tuwien #austin #umanitoba #sxsw
Die antiquierte #Stellplatzverpflichtung, die eine Mindestparkplatzanzahl pro Wohnung oder Wohnfläche verlangt, verteuert den Wohnbau und fördert den Autoverkehr, statt umweltfreundliche Verkehrsträger attraktiver zu machen. Fachleute von #WUWien, #TUWien und #BOKU fordern nun Änderungen:
#stellplatzverpflichtung #WUWien #tuwien #boku #verkehrswende
Last weekend we hosted an A/D #CTF made by our students for our students. The competition was part of the Attacks and Defenses in Computer Security (192.111) course at TU Wien.
Strong #hacking vibes here: https://informatics.tuwien.ac.at/news/2357
#ctf #hacking #ethicalhacking #tuwien
Sabina Riss is an architect, university lecturer and researcher based in Vienna.
Her expertise? Socio-political and gender perspectives on architecture, housing and urban planning.
Learn from her Monday, Jan. 23, 9 a.m. CST during our free webinar, "It's Her Space, As Well: Ensuring Safe Nighttime Settings for Women"
REGISTER: https://24hournation.com/webinars/register-for-its-her-space-as-well/
#Architecture #CityPlanning #Patriarchy #PublicArt #SabinaRiss #SpatialDesign #Transportation #TUWien #UrbanPlanning #GenderResponsiveDesign
#sabinariss #genderresponsivedesign #urbanplanning #tuwien #transportation #spatialdesign #publicart #patriarchy #cityplanning #architecture
TIL my university #tuwien blocks incoming emails for the entire .host top-level-domain. Many #mastodon servers are hosted on masto.host, so this would block all confirmation mails from any of these servers (e.g. my instance), making it impossible to register an account. The mails are not even marked as spam, they are simply not delivered (while acknowledging delivery to the sender).
Is it only me, or is this a quite unbelievable and unacceptable intervention in communication infrastructure?
Thought I'd post an (academic) #introduction. :D I am a lecturer in #ComputerScience at the University of #Groningen, with current research focus on #largscale #networkanalysis (#networkscience) working within the Information Systems Group; I previously worked on #humancomputation (don't like the term), #socialcomputing, #distributedsystems at #tuwien. Interested in socio-tech. issues, including #ethics #privacy, tech #policy..
#academics #academicsofmastodon
@academicchatter @academicsunite
#introduction #computerscience #groningen #largscale #networkanalysis #networkscience #humancomputation #SocialComputing #distributedsystems #tuwien #ethics #privacy #policy #academics #academicsofmastodon
I'm incredibly excited to announce that the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF, wwtf.at) has accepted to support our (Martina Lindorfer and me) research project on the intersection between Web and mobile security for the next 4 years with 800K EUR!
I can't wait to bootstrap the project next month and expand our group at TU Wien! Thanks to all the reviewers for their precious feedback and to WWTF for making it possible!
This was an unexpected and early Christmas present :)
#tuwien #wwtf #research #grant #websecurity #mobilesecurity #vienna
#tuwien #wwtf #research #grant #websecurity #mobilesecurity #vienna
I'm incredibly excited to announce that the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF, wwtf.at) has accepted to support our (Martina Lindorfer and me) research project on the intersection between Web and mobile security for the next 4 years with 800K EUR!
I can't wait to bootstrap the project next month and expand our group at TU Wien! Thanks to all the reviewers for their precious feedback and to WWTF for making it possible!
This was an unexpected and early Christmas present :)
#tuwien #wwtf #research #grant #websecurity #mobilesecurity #vienna
#tuwien #wwtf #research #grant #websecurity #mobilesecurity #vienna
da sieht man wie schlecht es um frauen in der technik/it in österreich steht. der server für die website dazu ist down... #frauenspuren #frauenIT #TuWien http://www.frauenspuren.at
#tuwien #frauenit #frauenspuren
da sieht man wie schlecht es um frauen in der technik/it in österreich steht. der server für die website dazu ist down... #frauenspuren #frauenIT #TuWien http://www.frauenspuren.at
#tuwien #frauenit #frauenspuren
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #physics
dS2 as excitation of AdS2
Florian Ecker, Daniel Grumiller, Robert McNees
SciPost Phys. 13, 119 (2022)
#TUWien #LoyolaUniversityChicago #FWF
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #tuwien #LoyolaUniversityChicago #FWF