The neighbor’s tuxedo cat is still learning how to chase squirrels. She’s much younger than #TuxedoNinja - maybe I should call her #TuxedoPuppy
#tuxedoninja #tuxedopuppy #cameratrap #cats #squirrel
I’m conflicted. On the one hand, Tuxedo Ninja (cat) in my yard again. On the other hand, Tuxedo Ninja defending my strawberries from squirrels. Perhaps the dreaded ninja powers can be used for good.
#tuxedoninja #cats #catsofmastodon #cameratrap
Milli is on High Alert. This little jerk decided to sneak around looking for unsuspecting bird victims in broad daylight. #TuxedoNinja
#tuxedoninja #cats #catsofmastodon
Security Officer Milli keeps watch over today’s nursery haul. #Caturday diligence.
Hopefully the haul will also keep #TuxedoNinja from charging the window. Repeat visits from the biggest jerk cat in the neighborhood seem to have sent the rabbits to ground. TN’s favorite pastime is leaping up at Milli and sending her into a defensive frenzy.
#caturday #tuxedoninja #cats #catsofmastodon #gardening
Same in my area, but it doesn’t stop the continuous parade of cats coming through my yard. They just vary with the season.
Currently, I’ve got freaking insane #TuxedoNinja and a large very talky grey cat with one weird eye. I don’t like to wish them ill… but I could be looking forward to next season.
We didn’t blow away and #TuxedoNinja didn’t break our spirits. #Cats #CatsOfMastodon
#tuxedoninja #cats #catsofmastodon
Something hit the window. Could’ve been a pine cone in the wind by the sound of it, but my second thought was the return of #TuxedoNinja
This was a couple days ago. Choosing violence yet again, the little bastard.
Description: Svelte tuxedo (black and white) cat walks up to a glass door and jumps against it to scare my poor defenseless cat within. Then the jerk just saunters away.
The unmitigated GAUL of this cat. When will it ever wake up and stop choosing violence… #TuxedoNinja #CatsOfMastodon
My cat hates this cat. So much.