Ich fand den heimlichen Gewinner – selbstverständlich abgesehen von #VisionPro – das neue #tvOS. Endlich #FaceTime in groß! #WWDC23
#visionpro #tvOS #facetime #wwdc23
#tvOS 17: “Third-party VPN support, which enables developers to create VPN apps for Apple TV. This can benefit enterprise and education users wanting to access content on their private networks, allowing Apple TV to be a great office and conference room solution in even more places.”
#tvOS #Apple #appleevent #wwdc #wwdc23 #wwdc2023
#Apple #WWDC23 #iOS #iPadOS #macOS #watchOS #tvOS #xrOS #realityOS #iPhone #iPad #Mac #HomePod #AirPod #Reality #AppleReality #AppleRealityPro #RealityPro #AppleWatch #Macintosh #MacPro #AppleSilicon #M3 #MacBookAir #MacStudio #WWDC #WWDC2023
#Apple #wwdc23 #iOS #iPadOS #macOS #WatchOS #tvOS #xros #realityOS #iphone #ipad #mac #homepod #airpod #reality #AppleReality #applerealitypro #RealityPro #applewatch #macintosh #macpro #AppleSilicon #m3 #macbookair #MacStudio #wwdc #wwdc2023
Good morning!!!
#Apple #WWDC23 #iOS #iPadOS #macOS #watchOS #tvOS #xrOS #realityOS #iPhone #iPad #Mac #HomePod #AirPod #Reality #AppleReality #AppleRealityPro #RealityPro #AppleWatch #Macintosh #MacPro #AppleSilicon #M3 #MacBookAir #MacStudio
#reality #AppleReality #applerealitypro #RealityPro #applewatch #macintosh #macpro #AppleSilicon #m3 #macbookair #MacStudio #Apple #wwdc23 #iOS #iPadOS #macOS #WatchOS #tvOS #xros #realityOS #iphone #ipad #mac #homepod #airpod
I read this anticipating a writeup of the downsides of #tvOS (there are several) and worst I read was “#Apple is using its platform to sell you things.” While the increased intrusion of ads hasn't been the best, it's also been minimal relative to what the other platforms do. The #AppleTV isn't perfect by any means, but to say it "sucks" is a lazy take. I've owned several and most have done what I've needed them to do. https://www.theverge.com/23621907/streaming-tv-boxes-roku-amazon-google-apple-nvidia
previews at the top of the Watch Now screen in the #AppleTV app have begun to annoyingly auto-play with sound. Awesome. Thankfully, you can (for now) turn this off in #Accessibility.
On #iOS/ #iPadOS/ #tvOS it's Settings > Accessibility > Motion > toggle Auto-Play Video Previews to "off."
On #macOS, Accessibility > Display > toggle Reduce motion to “on.”
#AppleTV #Accessibility #iOS #ipados #tvOS #macos #apple #Netflix
The community at @AppleVis has gathered an incredible set of feedback about the current state of #iOs, #macOs, #WatchOs and #tvOs #accessibility for #VisuallyImpaired users. The frustration with long standing issues such as poor #VoiceOver support on MacOs, unstable focus on iOs and buggy #Braille sign through, while the benefits of accessibility features still are strong and one of the best in mainstream #tech land. https://applevis.com/blog/apple-vision-accessibility-applevis-report-card
#iOS #macos #WatchOS #tvOS #Accessibility #visuallyimpaired #voiceover #braille #Tech
Apple Releases tvOS 16.3.2 - MacRumors -Hopefully this finally fixes the BT bug! #TVos #apple https://www.macrumors.com/2023/02/13/apple-releases-tvos-16-3-2/
#tvOS 16.3.1 und #HomePod-Softwareversion 16.3.1 veröffentlicht https://stadt-bremerhaven.de/tvos-16-3-1-und-homepod-softwareversion-16-3-1-veroeffentlicht/
Apple reicht zum gestrigen Release Tag nach: #HomePodOS 16.3 ist verfügbar sowie #tvOS 16.3.