Super fun chat this week on TV Guidance Counselor with the author of the must buy new book Filmed in Brooklyn, writer, podcaster and all around ace talent Margo Donohue, your favorite podcast app, or listen directly here:
and run don't walk to buy Filmed in Brooklyn
#TVGC #MargoDonohue #Brooklyn #BrooklynFitChick #Simpsons #KenReid #TVGuide #TVGuidance #TVGuidancecounselor
#tvgc #margodonohue #brooklyn #brooklynfitchick #simpsons #kenreid #tvguide #tvguidance #tvguidancecounselor
I'm lucky to know more than my share of cool people, but this week on TV Guidance Counselor I talk to probably THE coolest as I welcome the one and only Traci Lords to the show to talk TV and a whole lot more., your favorite podcast app or listen directly here:
#TraciLords #TVGC #TVGuide #TVGuidanceCounselor #KenReid #90sTV #JohnWaters #CryBaby #MarriedWithChildren #Roseanne #TheTommyknockers
#tracilords #tvgc #tvguide #tvguidancecounselor #kenreid #90stv #johnwaters #crybaby #marriedwithchildren #roseanne #thetommyknockers
This week on TV Guidance Counselor I discuss reality TV, possibly the coolest TV Guide cover ever, and classic television remote controls with writer and all around snazzy dresser Troy DeVolld, your favorite podcast app, or listen directly here:
#TVGuide #TroyDevolld #RealityTV #RemoteControls #KenReid #TVGC #TVGuidanceCounselor
#tvguide #troydevolld #realitytv #remotecontrols #kenreid #tvgc #tvguidancecounselor
I cannot think of a better person to discuss Isaac Asimov's declaration of Spock's sex appeal on TV Guidance Counselor than with the amazing writer, producer director Rockne S. O'Bannon (Evil, Twilight Zone, Farscape, Alien Nation, seaQuest DSV), your favorite podcast app, or listen directly here:
#tvgc #rocknesobannon #1967tv #MrSpock #Farscape #twilightzone #wordplay #kenreid #TVGuide #tvguidance #tvguidancecounselor
#tvgc #rocknesobannon #1967tv #mrspock #farscape #twilightzone #wordplay #kenreid #tvguide #tvguidance #tvguidancecounselor
Starting 2023 with TWO episodes of TV Guidance Counselor this week! Today I chat with the fantastic writer, director, producer John D. Hancock (Let's Scare Jessica to Death, Prancer, Bang the Drum Slowly)!, your favorite podcast app or directly at
#TVGC #JohnDHancock #LetsScareJessicaToDeath #BangTheDrumSlowly #Prancer #Wolfen #TVGuide #KenReid #TVGuidance #TVGuidanceCounselor
#tvgc #johndhancock #letsscarejessicatodeath #bangthedrumslowly #prancer #wolfen #tvguide #kenreid #tvguidance #tvguidancecounselor
Starting the new year right with a great @TVGuidance Counselor chat with one of my favorite people - comedian, writer/producer (Everybody Loves Raymond, The Goldbergs) and reformed Brookline MA native Lew Schneider who joins me to discuss all things 1990 and Kadeem Hardison M.D., your favorite podcast app or listen directly here:
#TVGC #TVGuide #1990TV #MakeTheGrade #LewSchneider #KenReid #BostonStandUp #BostonComedy #TVGuidanceCounselor
#tvgc #tvguide #1990tv #makethegrade #lewschneider #kenreid #bostonstandup #bostoncomedy #tvguidancecounselor
This week on #TVGuidanceCounselor comedian #DaveRoss joins us to finally figure out what day it is and why George Clooney is so damn great., your favorite podcast app, or listen directly here:…
#tvguidancecounselor #daveross
The #TVGuidanceCounselor YouTube channel did a good short on Nick at Nite's forgotten 1991 original sitcom Hi Honey, I'm Home! @KennethWReid didn't mention this, but 1995's The Brady Bunch Movie has a lot in common with Hi Honey, I'm Home!, except the revamped Bradys fetishize the '70s, while the Nielsen family in Hi Honey, I'm Home! acts like 1991 is still the '50s.
Other podcasts I've listened to:
- #YouMustRememberThis (I haven't listened to this one as often as I'd like; the Erotic 80s episodes are really enlightening)
- Paul Scheer & Amy Nicholson's #Unspooled (another film podcast I listened to a lot but haven't done so lately)
- @KennethWReid's #TVGuidanceCounselor (I was a guest on this podcast about TV; lately, I've been watching the extras at the TV Guidance YouTube channel more often than listening to the actual episodes)
#youMustRememberThis #unspooled #questlovesupreme #tvguidancecounselor