I put the finishing touches on my implementation of Gauge for tvOS. I only needed the “circular capacity” style, so it was fairly straightforward. I did have to level up my understanding of view builders and generics to get my API to match Apple’s. 🙂
One purposeful difference in my implementation: the top ring is 10% thicker than the bottom ring, which I think looks pretty good.
Alright! Forward progress today. Now I can dig into the tvOS version and CI will watch my back and make sure that the watchOS version stays healthy. #SwiftUI #iOSDev #watchOSDev #tvOSDev
#swiftui #iosdev #watchosdev #tvosdev
For #iOSDev (and #macOSDev, #watchOSDev, #tvOSDev, #iPadOSDev as well) I still really enjoy using Dash.app.
And for #SwiftUI I’ve really enjoyed SwiftUI Companion. I was just looking for alternatives to the .onAppear() modifier, so I popped into that app to see what I could find. I typed “onAppear” in the search field and landed on a great article with concise examples of Handling Events.
#macosdev #watchosdev #tvosdev #ipadosdev #swiftui #iosdev
For #iOSDev (and #macOSDev, #watchOSDev, #tvOSDev, #iPadOSDev as well) I still really enjoy using Dash.app.
And for #SwiftUI I’ve really enjoyed SwiftUI Companion. I was just looking for alternatives to the .onAppear() modifier, so I popped into that app to see what I could find. I typed “onAppear” in the search field and landed on a great article with concise examples of Handling Events.
#iosdev #macosdev #watchosdev #tvosdev #ipadosdev #swiftui
Building this app for four platforms at once is interesting because code architecture choices I would make for one platform, I wouldn’t make for another. Toss in a dash of framework availability, and it can get complicated fast. I’m trying to strike a good balance between making forward progress and playing 4D chess with myself. 😄
Regardless, there’s definitely a big refactor in my future.
#swiftui #iosdev #macosdev #tvosdev #ipadosdev