Tuesday Ratings | THE VOICE AUSTRALIA and RFDS lead the way for Seven
#Dateline #Insight #KitchenCabinet #RFDS #TheBlock #TheCheapSeats #TheHundredwithAndyLee #TheTraitorsAustralia #TheVoiceAustralia #TVratingsAU
#dateline #insight #kitchencabinet #rfds #theblock #thecheapseats #thehundredwithandylee #thetraitorsaustralia #thevoiceaustralia #tvratingsau
Monday Ratings | THE BLOCK slips past THE VOICE AUSTRALIA to take the primetime win
#BackRoads #FourCorners #HaveYouBeenPayingAttention #MediaWatch #MissingPersonsInvestigations #QA #TheBlock #TheTraitorsAustralia #TheVoiceAustralia #TVratingsAU
#backroads #FourCorners #haveyoubeenpayingattention #mediawatch #missingpersonsinvestigations #qa #theblock #thetraitorsaustralia #thevoiceaustralia #tvratingsau
Sunday Ratings | THE VOICE AUSTRALIA just pips THE BLOCK room reveal
#60Minutes #7NewsSpotlight #BayOfFires #RestorationAustralia #TheBlock #TheTraitorsAustralia #TheVoiceAustralia #TVratingsAU
#60minutes #7newsspotlight #bayoffires #restorationaustralia #theblock #thetraitorsaustralia #thevoiceaustralia #tvratingsau
Saturday Ratings | The MATILDAS keep doing it 'til it's done!
#afl #fifawomensworldcup #grantchester #nrl #tvratingsau
Friday Ratings | A big night of sport is led by the AFL for Seven
#AFL #BetterHomesandGardens #FIFAWomensWorldCup #NRL #TVratingsAU
#afl #betterhomesandgardens #fifawomensworldcup #nrl #tvratingsau
Thursday Ratings | HOME AND AWAY lands Seven the primetime win
#GreatAustralianWalkswithJuliaZemiro #NRL #TheFrontBar #TVratingsAU
#greataustralianwalkswithjuliazemiro #nrl #thefrontbar #tvratingsau
Wednesday Ratings | THE BLOCK finds some audience oxygen and take the night
#GoldDiggers #Gruen #HardQuiz #ThankGodYoureHere #TheBlock #TVratingsAU
#golddiggers #gruen #hardquiz #thankgodyourehere #theblock #tvratingsau
Monday Ratings | The MATILDAS deliver Seven unprecedented numbers
#BackRoads #FIFAWomen039sWorldCup #FourCorners #HaveYouBeenPayingAttention #HuntedAustralia #MediaWatch #QA #TheBlock #TheVoiceAustralia #TVratingsAU
#backroads #fifawomen039sworldcup #FourCorners #haveyoubeenpayingattention #huntedaustralia #mediawatch #qa #theblock #thevoiceaustralia #tvratingsau
Sunday Ratings | THE BLOCK takes a tight win over THE VOICE AUSTRALIA
#60Minutes #7NewsSpotlight #BayOfFires #HuntedAustralia #TheBlock #TheVoiceAustralia #TVratingsAU
#60minutes #7newsspotlight #bayoffires #huntedaustralia #theblock #thevoiceaustralia #tvratingsau
Saturday Ratings | GRANTCHESTER and VERA boost the ABC
#afl #fifawomen039sworldcup #grantchester #tvratingsau
Friday Ratings | BETTER HOMES AND GARDENS and the AFL deliver Seven a win
#afl #betterhomesandgardens #firstweapons #nrl #tvratingsau
Wednesday Ratings | 10 thank God THANK GOD YOU'RE HERE is back
#FiveBedrooms #GoldDiggers #Gruen #HardQuiz #ThankGodYoureHere #TVratingsAU #WhoTheBloodyHellAreWe
#fivebedrooms #golddiggers #gruen #hardquiz #thankgodyourehere #tvratingsau #whothebloodyhellarewe
Tuesday Ratings | A repeat of TRAVEL GUIDES slips in front for the primetime win
#HuntedAustralia #Insight #NewLeashOnLife #TheCheapSeats #TVratingsAU #WaronWaste
#huntedaustralia #insight #newleashonlife #thecheapseats #tvratingsau #waronwaste
Monday Ratings | The MATILDAS big win continues Seven's great start to the week
#BackRoads #FIFAWomen039sWorldCup #FourCorners #HaveYouBeenPayingAttention #HuntedAustralia #MediaWatch #QA #TheAshes #TVratingsAU
#backroads #fifawomen039sworldcup #FourCorners #haveyoubeenpayingattention #huntedaustralia #mediawatch #qa #theashes #tvratingsau
Sunday Ratings | THE LOGIES delivers a golden night for Seven
#60Minutes #BayOfFires #HuntedAustralia #TheAshes #TVWeekLogies #TVratingsAU
#60minutes #bayoffires #huntedaustralia #theashes #tvweeklogies #tvratingsau
Saturday Ratings | AFL takes primetime for Seven; Nine takes the night
#afl #BledisloeCup #theashes #tvratingsau
Friday Ratings | AFL takes the win on another sport-filled evening
#afl #betterhomesandgardens #nrl #tvratingsau
Friday Ratings | AFL takes the win on another sport-filled evening
#afl #betterhomesandgardens #nrl #tvratingsau
Friday Ratings | AFL takes the win on another sport-filled evening
#afl #betterhomesandgardens #nrl #tvratingsau
Thursday Ratings | FIFA WOMEN'S WORLD CUP again takes the glory
#DogsBehavingveryBadly #FIFAWomen039sWorldCup #InsideSydneyAirport #NRL #TheAshes #TVratingsAU
#DogsBehavingVeryBadly #fifawomen039sworldcup #insidesydneyairport #nrl #theashes #tvratingsau