As #TheTraitors Australia Season 2 neared it’s end, Camille noted that in theory a Faithful could still win. But she knew none of THESE Faithfuls could because they were all so clueless! 🤣 3rd TikTok today:
You can also see Camille’s accurate commentary as a YouTube Short:
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Big Brother 25 Izzy may have gotten a long and dirty punishment from the Veto comp, but she at least had a little fun with it early on! 2nd TikTok today:
You can also see Pink Piggy Izzy jumping around as a
YouTube Short:
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Cameron told us his plan on #BigBrother25 last night. But it’s a BAD one! You don’t leave the leader — you take her out so followers need somewhere to go. He has it backwards. 1st TikTok today:
You can also see #BBCameron going wrong as a YouTube Short:
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Last night after the Big Brother nominations episode, I was on the Rob Has A Podcast live recap to talk about everything that happened (plus a few things from the live feeds, but there’s a spoiler warning before we get into those). It was a fun time as we discussed everything from Cameron’s weird behavior to, well, some of the SHOW’s strange behavior!
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#entertainment #tvshow #tv #whyxlost #rhap #podcast #realitytv #bigbrother #bigbrother25 #bb25
Hier, 10 septembre marquait le 30ème anniversaire de la diffusion du tout premier épisode d'une série qui allait changer beaucoup de choses dans le monde de la pop culture télévisuelle, X-FILES. La très rationnelle Dana Scully entrait dans le bureau de l'illuminé Fox Mulder et le destin de ces personnages et des acteurs qui les interprétaient en serait bouleversé à jamais.
#xfiles #serietv #tvshow #90s #SF
#xfiles #serietv #tvshow #90s #sf
I just watched Foundation (2021) - The Last Empress (S02E08)!
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Izzy & Cory discussed Felicia’s downhill slide on #BigBrother25 Live Feeds. She was in a great spot and blew it up. Cory has some very blunt assessments of her game! 3rd TikTok today:
You can also see them summarizing Felicia’s downfall as a YouTube Short:
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#BigBrother25 production was ready for Cameron & Bowie Jane to be blindsided at the Red eviction. But they blew the moment by telegraphing it with their obvious camera angles! D’oh! 😖 2nd TikTok today:
You can also see Cameron discuss the Big Brother production screw-up as a YouTube Short:
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#Cirie prepared for the worst in #BigBrother25 by telling #BBIzzy to work closely with #BBJared if Cirie is out. Multiple likely motives, mostly protecting Jared & ensuring Izzy keeps the secret. 1st TikTok today:
You can also see her instructions as a YouTube Short:
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The new #BB25 #WhyXLost #podcast is here! Red said someone could go back & “pick apart little bits” about what he should’ve done differently. We’re here to pick apart BIG bits since he didn’t actually go to play #BigBrother!
Plus our regular “Julie Chen Moonves Is Wrong About ___” segment. And my story of telling a previous winner he’d been fired for using the same word Jared used this week! Why Red Lost:
#RHAP #BigBrother25 #RealityTV #TV #TVShow #Entertainment #BBRed
#bbred #entertainment #tvshow #tv #realitytv #bigbrother25 #rhap #bigbrother #podcast #whyxlost #bb25
I just watched Battlestar Galactica (2003) - Final Cut (S02E08)!
#BattlestarGalactica(2003) #Plex #media #TV #TVShow #FilterToHide
#battlestargalactica #plex #media #tv #tvshow #filtertohide
I just watched Battlestar Galactica (2003) - Home (2) (S02E07)!
#BattlestarGalactica(2003) #Plex #media #TV #TVShow #FilterToHide
#battlestargalactica #plex #media #tv #tvshow #filtertohide
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1985 Tv Guide Charlie Brown Birthday
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#charliebrown #birthday #cartoons #tvshow #tvmovie #peanuts #television #tv #vintage #retro
Before Cameron made his #BigBrother25 nominations, Izzy worried about what might happen. Cory assured her that she wouldn’t be nominated against #Cirie because Cirie is insulated, but he left out 1 important point. 1st TikTok today:
You can also see Cory’s reassurance as a YouTube Short:
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I just watched Battlestar Galactica (2003) - Home (1) (S02E06)!
#BattlestarGalactica(2003) #Plex #media #TV #TVShow #FilterToHide
#battlestargalactica #plex #media #tv #tvshow #filtertohide
When the #BigBrother25 Live Feeds came back after Thursday's live show, #HOH Cameron was talking to Bowie Jane. He seemed to be sticking to Legend 25 & his prior plan but his sarcasm makes it seem he's planning something else. 3rd TikTok today:
You can also judge if it’s real or not as a YouTube Short:
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Moments after almost everyone on #BigBrother25 blindsided #BBCameron by evicting Red, their worst-case scenario happened & he won #HOH! They had a hard time even pretending to be happy for him, except effing Bowie Jane. 1st TikTok today:
You can also relive the awkward moment as a YouTube Short:
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I just watched Foundation (2021) - Why the Gods Made Wine (S02E06)!
#foundation #plex #media #tv #tvshow #filtertohide