Lost in Space by Dave van Arnam and Ron Archer is as its name suggests a TV tie-in novel inspired by the classic TV series. It's not a bad sci-fi novel but it really doesn't have the feel of the TV series.
My review: https://cult-tv-lounge.blogspot.com/2023/06/lost-in-space-tv-tie-in-novel.html
#sciencefiction #scifi #TVtieinnovels #LostinSpace #culttv #retrotv #60stv #1960stv #culttelevision #scifitv
#sciencefiction #scifi #tvtieinnovels #lostinspace #culttv #retrotv #60stv #1960stv #culttelevision #SciFiTV
W. Howard Baker’s Storm Over Rockall, the third of the six Danger Man TV tie-in novels. It's an original novel but with similarities to the TV episode Not So Jolly Roger. Someone is sabotaging a British rocket program. It could the Russians, or it could be the Americans.
My review: https://cult-tv-lounge.blogspot.com/2021/02/danger-man-storm-over-rockall-tv-tie-in.html
#60stv #1960stv #retrotv #vintagetv #DangerMan #spies #spytv #TVtieinnovels
#60stv #1960stv #retrotv #vintagetv #dangerman #spies #spytv #tvtieinnovels
Dead Duck is an original 1966 novel inspired by the TV series The Avengers. It was credited to Patrick Macnee but was written by Peter Leslie. People keep dying and they've all eaten duck. An engagingly offbeat story with a fine crazy finale.
My review: https://cult-tv-lounge.blogspot.com/2023/04/patrick-macnees-dead-duck-avengers-tie.html
#culttv #retrotv #vintagetv #spytv #spies #TheAvengers #PatrickMacnee #tvtieinnovels #spyfiction #spynovel #spynovels
#culttv #retrotv #vintagetv #spytv #spies #theavengers #patrickmacnee #tvtieinnovels #spyfiction #spynovel #spynovels