Now that I've intro'd myself as a writer and myself as a Servant of Bast, here are things that interest me. #fantasy #UrbanFantasy #SFF #ScienceFiction #comics #GraphicNovels #NarrativeDesign #AnimationWriting #TVWriting #archaeology #photography #AncientHistory #etymology #Science&Technology
#fantasy #urbanfantasy #sff #sciencefiction #comics #graphicnovels #narrativedesign #animationwriting #tvwriting #archaeology #photography #ancienthistory #etymology #science
Reminder: I won't provide free content for this hell site so long as the current overlord enables racists, homophobes & traitors. If you have questions about #TVwriting #StarTrek #DS9 #Elementary, #Showbiz, etc, my asks are always open on
#tvwriting #StarTrek #ds9 #elementary #showbiz
@stu You’re so kind, thank you! I had the joy of working with a great writers room, and the wonderful showrunner, Warren Leight. #tvwriting #svu #writersroom
@JeffLieber GOLD.
Love that you're sharing the rules here. I did attempt to screenshot all of them and ended up losing track.
My pilot more than benefitted from these rules. #tvwriting #tvpilot #screenwriting
#tvwriting #tvpilot #screenwriting
#INTRODUCTION Started as an actor. Astrology chart said I'd write. Big laugh. Then TV production. Bored, finally tried writing, fell in love. Yoga, teaching and more... writing. Award winning playwright. Hustling a TV pilot script. Scripted podcast coming. I never give up!
#TVwriting #playwriting #grocery lists #hypo-allergenic #maltipoo or... is in my future.
#introduction #tvwriting #playwriting #grocery #hypo #maltipoo