Here's one of my fave indie rock songs of 2022, Ghost Care's 'Part Time Living.'
Wish I'd written that chorus...gah....
#GhostCare #Indie #Indierock #Aussie #Perth #Twangy #SpringReverb
#ghostcare #indie #indierock #aussie #perth #twangy #springreverb
Here's one of my fave indie rock songs of 2022, Ghost Care's 'Part Time Living.'
Wish I'd written that chorus...gah....
#GhostCare #Indie #Indierock #Aussie #Perth #Twangy #SpringReverb
#ghostcare #indie #indierock #aussie #perth #twangy #springreverb
I'm a bored bureaucrat who's lived in Philly for 20+ years. I'm originally from Oklahoma, of all places, and it sorta shows. I'm a sports fan (go Phils!) who likes good craft #beer and #twangy music. I was a sociologist in a previous life.
My bf and I have a 10th anniversary coming up. Zowie.
I'm sort of a Twitter native, so it sure feels weird to be . . . elsewhere.
Favorite Philly places: Race Street Cafe (Old City still rocks, y'know), Khyber Pass Pub, Fringearts, Abe Fisher.