and can we highlight that the company is very comfortable w modern-day dictatorships, prominently the Saudi one
Monty Python Presents: The Internet
#SecretPolicemansBall #TheArgumentClinic
#DawnFrench #ChrisLangham #MichaelPalin #JohnCleese #MontyPython #SketchComedy #RhetoricHighAndLow #Twatter #Twits
#twits #twatter #rhetorichighandlow #sketchcomedy #montypython #johncleese #MichaelPalin #chrislangham #dawnfrench #theargumentclinic #secretpolicemansball
@AnarchoNinaWrites At least the #fediverse isn't a dumpster fire and shitshow all rolled up into one like #twatter. The fediverse is mostly an awesome place.
@heiseonline Ja, Ich wünsche mir tatsächlich, das #WhatsCrap der nächste Riese ist der so richtig auf die Schnauze fällt, so wie #Twatter, #RedDiss, und vielleicht bald einmal auch #Fakebook und #InstaScam. Verdient haben es alle.
Es ist wirklich erstaunlich, wieviele Leute heutzutage noch immer nicht verstanden haben, dass „soziale Medien“ zu 99% nicht sozial sind.
#whatscrap #twatter #reddiss #fakebook #instascam
out of the frying pan, into the fire?
Reluctant Twitter users, influencers and others are flocking to Meta's new Threads app #Twatter #Phreads #AntisocialMedia #Spinfluencers https://techxplore.com/news/2023-07-reluctant-twitter-users-flocking-meta.html
#twatter #phreads #antisocialmedia #spinfluencers
Need to go search for old friends who have decided to forgo #twatter .
See who's moved over to the #fediverse
Somehow, my handle seems more appropriate here in the #Fedivthan it did on #twatter .
#twitterexodus #twittermigration #twatter #fedivthan
Best summary I've seen this morning on #SpaceKaren and his "management" of Twitter comes from @Stuzipants on the other place:
"9 months into his tenure and Elon Musk has already managed to turn Twitter into a pay per view Ceefax"
"OH NO! That obvious Saboteur who has been openly digging away at the foundations of the platform for months...did some more sabotage! What a surprise!
"Twatter being full Nazis and other bigots and the disinformation didn't bother me, but the bastards limited my doomscrolling!! - so now I'm here"
UY, QUÉ PENA... Eloncio, paga, primer aviso.
@pkoopmanpk wat een drek op dat #twatter en veel sneue 'mensen', vond het er ook erg zurig ruiken 🥴
Love reposting this!
I only use #twitter now to tell people that I don't use #twatter and give them alternative #contact info like an #introduction #introductions to #mastodon or my #Facebook #Skype and #Email address. I would suggest everyone else does the same, leave the #spaceKaren #fascverse to crumble to nothing. Whilst you're at it check my #Pinned post if you like #Unusual #Question #Questions please #Boost thank you!
#twitter #twatter #contact #introduction #introductions #mastodon #facebook #skype #email #spacekaren #fascverse #pinned #unusual #question #questions #boost