RT @ShinichiroKira
Happy to share my postdoc work from the Harvey Lab in @NatureComms!
We show that the flexibility in navigation decisions arises from neurons that mix sensory and memory info. These neurons emerge through task learning in the posterior cortex. #tweeprint⬇️
RT @EngelTatiana
What approach can explain the link between the brain and behavior? Shall we focus on neural circuits or manifolds? With @chrismlangdon & @MGENK, we provide a unifying perspective on manifolds and circuits, just out in @NatRevNeurosci: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41583-023-00693-x. #tweeprint 👇
RT @roxana_zeraati
Thrilled to share our paper "Intrinsic timescales in the visual cortex change with selective attention and reflect spatial connectivity" now out @NatureComms!
We added interesting new analyses to our preprint version (thanks to the reviewers!) #tweeprint👇
RT @brian_dekleva
Time for a #tweeprint!
What's the difference (in motor cortex) between performing an action and just imagining it? Turns out, quite a bit (but also, pretty much nothing...)!
@RNELabs @jenpgh @raeedcho @aaronbatista @YuLikeNeuro
RT @julian_bartram
Excited to share this preprint! We developed an approach to reconstruct synaptic input activity during a period of recorded postsynaptic spiking in vitro.
We used it to examine the synaptic basis of self-sustained activity.
#tweeprint at @bel_ethz
RT @JMGrohNeuro@twitter.com
We have a new #preprint out! It’s about what happens in your ears when your eyes move. A #tweeprint about @Stephschlebusch@twitter.com, @cindyking40@twitter.com, David L.K. Murphy et al. 1/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JMGrohNeuro/status/1603480854499454976
RT @djoshea
@leaduncker and I are thrilled to share our investigation of motor cortical dynamics using optogenetic and electrical perturbations, now on @biorxiv_neursci https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.12.16.520768v1
Full thread at https://djoshea.notion.site/Twitter-Thread-O-Shea-Duncker-et-al-f5d5ee24b1674d0696915b7643c9fafb
Is there yet a mastodon alternative for #tweeprint?
Anyway, here goes a #mastoprint 🪩
"Evaluating the statistical similarity of neural network activity and connectivity via eigenvector angles"
#NeuralNetworks #Neuroscience #Statistics #CompNeuro
I'm very excited to finally see this published. Let me tell you about it:
🧵 1/5
#compneuro #statistics #NeuroScience #neuralnetworks #mastoprint #tweeprint
@NicoleCRust There's no building of 'community' without building active measures to include ECRs and historically excluded groups 🤷🏾♀️. I like(d?) the #tweeprint aspect of science twitter to learn about #neuroscience (and other cool science) outside my field. Also liked broadcasting help questions to a wider audience (science or otherwise). While I enjoyed (and learned from) some science twitter discussions, most of them felt really unmoderated (and exclusive) and not useful in the end. Don't think I'll miss them in that format.
RT @katiconen
Curious about how neurons encode sequences of events and actions?
Check out our new review in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia, where @DesrochersLab and I dive into this question and look at what we know so far
#tweeprint 1/n
Neurophysiology data is so expensive and valuable. Let’s not waste it! Let's share it and reuse it!
Our @eLife paper (http://elifesciences.org/articles/78362) outlines the NWB software ecosystem for standardizing, analyzing, and sharing neurophysiology data #tweeprint 1/11 https://twitter.com/NeurodataWB/status/1577777008775348224/photo/1