@Hey_Beth Oh, I think you’re on to something. And since Early Adopters want to maintain centrality in communications networks, this is a good time to get here. And I do think they will, but will still need to see others do so.
My guess is that we will need some businesses to promote it, as Medium is demonstrating. And there will be some losses as some people don’t survive the #Tweetanic, but others will join from IRL word of mouth.
#twitterexodus #tweetanic #mastodon #BlackMastodon #alroker 🎼“Hey, Al, Take a Walk on the Wild Side”🎶 “Al Roker Announces Social Media Fast From Twitter” https://www.blackenterprise.com/today-show-weatherman-al-roker-is-parting-from-twitter/
#twitterexodus #tweetanic #mastodon #BlackMastodon #alroker
Some of us could recognize a bully right away, and walk away. Some will be directly bullied and still may not realize it’s time to go. #elon #elonmusk #twitter #twexit #tweet #tweetanic #mastodon #BlackMastodon #AldoBillingslea https://fortune.com/2022/12/18/twitter-suspends-paul-graham-venture-capitalist-supportive-of-elon-musk-after-he-tweets-about-mastodon-link/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=news_tab&mibextid=Zxz2cZ
#elon #elonmusk #twitter #twexit #tweet #tweetanic #mastodon #BlackMastodon #AldoBillingslea
Musk har blitt vanvittig for radikalisert. Å retweete en ytre høyre-terror-sympatisør er skremmende... Kan folk snart bare boikotte #TweeTanic
RT @eivindtraedal@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/eivindtraedal/status/1595851011003932678
Meanwhile the #TwitterToddler seems to be making a rip roaring commercial success from his new purchase, the #Tweetanic, as major advertisers leave the platform.
I am so happy to see you! I saw your empty space on that #tweetanic and so glad you are doing your work!
@fenriswitch #Tweetanic I love it! They other day I posted Harry Chapin's Dance Band on the Titanic.
I tried using the search, which is how I found some Outlander folks. Let me try the app you posted.
Hi #hachyderm, coming here as it seems to be an island where many tech people have landed.
I'm a senior software engineer. I like running, roller skating, cats, food & beers. My life is not interesting enough to bore you with more details.
"Quelques minutes après le message d’#ElonMusk, le compte de #DonaldTrump était de nouveau visible, le dernier tweet datant du 8 janvier 2021. Bizarrement, le nombre d’abonnés s’est montré erratique, montant en moins de deux heures à 3 millions avant de redescendre brusquement."
L'oiseau bleu ça devient vraiment n'importe quoi. Ce naufrage mériterait d'être adapté en film saga façon Scorsese. #tweetanic
Le compte #Twitter de Donald Trump rétabli par Elon Musk
#twitter #tweetanic #DonaldTrump #elonmusk
@stephenfry Yep, good one, Stephen. #Tweetanic #ElonMUCK #ElonYUCK #ElonSUCKS #TwitterMigration
#twittermigration #elonsucks #elonyuck #elonmuck #tweetanic
Is Elon Musk really sending his tweets directly into my notifications now? I have stopped following him. Also this is super funny. Did someone rage quit their job perhaps? #Norsktut #Twitter #tweetanic #twittermigraion
#twittermigraion #tweetanic #twitter #Norsktut
@fender 🔗 https://mastodon.blaster.com.ar/users/fender/statuses/109348681415493701
estoy haciendo proselitismo para crear una instancia de mastodon propia, para exiliados de twitter, de habla hispana, poco moderada, con unos 500 users como tope (hasta que podamos ser capaces de administrar algo más grande) y pagando una cuota mensual de un dólar para solventar el hosting y el tiempo de los sysadmins y/o moderadores y asegurarnos que nuestros datos y nuestra experiencia esté libre de corporaciones
#tweetanic #migrate #mastodon #twitter
¿Voy a aprovechar el rollo #Tweetanic para hablar en #LinkedIn de mi antigua empresa sin nombrarlos? Podéis jurarlo, porque están haciendo lo mismo. XD
@juliaserano It's really hard to turn away from the ongoing sinking of the #Tweetanic 😁