Oh I’ve almost forgot to announce 📣 I deleted my tweeter account #tweetermigration 🥳 I went back few times and just couldn’t cope, algorithm showing me stuff I didn’t asked for and really not relevant to what I want to see. I’m relatively new here and getting better at finding what I’m interested in. So that’s me done with Elmo’s page, you guys are stuck with me now 🤣
I made a script using Twitter API v2 to download all my tweets and pictures. Elon will start charging for API usage on Thursday so you have a few days https://github.com/bcarreno/twitter_migration #tweetermigration
🇬🇧 Jack Posobiec is a neo-fascist conspiracy theorist.
He was an early promoter of Pizzagate and spreads extremist lies such as the neo-Nazi "Great Replacement" conspiracy.
He complained of having poor visibility.
Musk promptly came to his aid.
🇵🇹 Jack Posobiec é um neo-fascista disseminador de teorias da conspiração.
Foi dos primeiros promotores do Pizzagate e difunde mentiras extremistas, como a conspiração neo-nazi da "Grande Substituição".
Queixou-se de ter baixa visibilidade.
Musk saiu prontamente em seu auxílio.
🇫🇷 Jack Posobiec est un théoricien du complot néo-fasciste.
Il a été l'un des premiers promoteurs de Pizzagate et répand des mensonges extrémistes tels que le complot néo-nazi du "Grand Remplacement".
Il se plaignait d'avoir une faible visibilité.
Musk est rapidement venu à son aide.
#tweetermigration #tweeter_collapse
I came across few posts recently asking new users to stop posting about Tweeter. I would ask you to have a patience with us , please. I think many people are mourning their ex social media account and a lot of them can be angry/sad or lost. People are trying to make sense of what’s going on and adjust to the new platform. Believe me, we like it here and it’ll end, eventually 🤗 #TweeterMigration
I came across few posts recently asking new users to stop posting about Tweeter. I would ask you to have a patience with us , please. I think many people are mourning their ex social media account and a lot of them can be angry/sad or lost. People are trying to make sense of what’s going on and adjust to the new platform. Believe me, we like it here and it’ll end, eventually 🤗 #TweeterMigration
HELLO EVERYONE!!!..my very first mastopost here...how's everyone!! #tweetermigration #tweeter
I just posted a tweet with a link to this CNET article, and my own Mastodon handle
I encourage everybody who has a Tweeter account to do the same
#TweeterMigration #Mastodon
@DmitryOpines I’m so delighted with myself today as I have found Dimitry’s account today!! He’s great guy, please follow him if you are interested in international trade and games and many more 😊 #tweetermigration
#mastodon #tweetermigration I would like to encourage everyone who can to donate to your local server and support our new home 😊 there’s lots of flexible options and if you can please do!
So I’ve decided to take a plunge and downloaded Toot! App for #iphone and it’s a smoother then using Safari (and I just love apps) #tweetermigration recommended 👍🏼
Oh I found a button to post stuff 🫣 #tweetermigration newbie here!
So I’m interested in politics, funny stuff, anything mental health related, substance use, psychology, counselling and psychotherapy and of course anything @georgetakei + superheroes 🦸♀️
@feditips @bookwyrm Hi it’s my first post on here I today left #tweeter and am part of #tweetermigration silly question how do I post on my account 🙈
Si vous arrivez sur mastodonte et que vous êtes perdus, pas de panique vous allez rapidement prendre vos repères et comprendre le fonctionnement.
#tweetermigration #introduction #bienvenu #welcome
#introduction Comme bien d’autres, j’arrive ici avec une méconnaissance totale de ce service. J’espère simplement que Mastodon est un peu mieux gérer que le réseau historique. #tweetermigration
#introduction #tweetermigration
Vieja loca que vive en #PuertoRico. Soy fan de los #BlueJays. Amo el #baseball y la #Pizza. Llegué aquí en la ola del #TweeterMigration. Nunca escribo coherente, total para qué? Yo vengo aquí a divertirme no a sacarme canas verdes ni piedras en la vesícula.
Diríjanme a la pizzeria más cercana.
Dónde están los gifs aquí?
Y el baño.
#introduction #PuertoRico #bluejays #baseball #pizza #tweetermigration
Ducoup ont dit encore #tweeter ou alors ont change de mot pour dire #mastodonter ou un truc du genre
#tweeter #mastodonter #tweetermigration #twitter #twitterhess
Però non chiamiamoli migranti da tweeter, almeno per rispetto di chi fugge davvero da guerre, torture, fame.
Restiamo Umani #tweetermigration
Hey amigos de Mastodon soy #nuevo aquí si vengo por lo de #tweetermigration jajaja pero ya me comenzó a gustar esto ah convivir (se aceptan consejos)