From 20 Jan: Twitter retroactively changes developer agreement to ban third-party clients - Enlarge / Here’s the line that Twitter added to its API Developer Agreement on Jan. 19, tw... #api #policy #tech #third-party-clients #tweetie #twiterrific #twitter
#twitter #twiterrific #tweetie #third #tech #policy #api
#Tweetbot was basically how I perceived and understood twitter. For a brief period of time, I was using #Twitterrific at the same time, after #Tweetie was acquired. It’s been a good ride. So long.
#tweetbot #twitterrific #tweetie
I was on Twitter nearly 16 years. I exclusively used Twitter through iOS apps. First #Tweetie. Then #Twitterrific, #Tweetbot and finally Spring.
I didn’t know that Liking a tweet signaled Twitter to put that tweet in my followers’ timeline. I didn’t know Twitter would show you tweets similar to what you’d liked or retweeted. My Twitter was a simple, chronological, timeline filled only with the people that I’d chosen to follow. No algorithms, no trending topics, no sponsored posts.
#tweetie #twitterrific #tweetbot
Twitter retroactively changes developer agreement to ban third-party clients - Enlarge / Here's the line that Twitter added to its API Developer Agree... - #third-partyclients #twiterrific #tweetie #twitter #policy #tech #api
#api #tech #policy #twitter #tweetie #twiterrific #third
Ars Technica: Twitter retroactively changes developer agreement to ban third-party clients #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #third-partyclients #twiterrific #Tweetie #Twitter #Policy #Tech #API
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #third #twiterrific #tweetie #Twitter #policy #api
Since people are being nostalgic about third party Twitter apps, I’d like to share my interview with Loren Brichter who developed Tweetie, the third party app that became the official Twitter app. There’s some insights into how he approached app design.
This was way back in 2009 when I worked for Macworld.
#Twitter #Tweetie #TwitterApps #Design #MobileApp
#twitter #tweetie #twitterapps #design #mobileapp
Needless to say that the state of Twitter today could not have been reached without the advent of third-party mobile apps like #Twitterrific, #Tweetie, #Tweetbot, to just name a few.
#twitterrific #tweetie #tweetbot
We’ve known the truth for days but this feel like the final nail. Hard to believe. I’m so sad. What an amazing decade+ of innovation from apps like #Tweetie, #Twitterrific, #Tweetbot, #Spring, and the rest. Excited and hopeful that innovation will continue here. Support these developers if you can! 💜
#tweetie #twitterrific #tweetbot #spring
#TwitterClients used to be a hotbed for new design ideas, too. Not just the whimsy of features like “Twoosh!” splashing on the screen when you tweeted exactly 140 characters, but also novel interaction models that have since become commonplace.
Does anyone remember that pull-to-refresh was originally introduced in #Tweetie, by @loren?
Twitter shutting off API access for third-party clients feels like the end of an era.
I remember how much fun it was to try out #Tweetbot, #Twitterrific, and #Tweetie (pre-acquisition) over the years more than a decade ago.
#tweetbot #twitterrific #tweetie
@ne_ratte was erwartet auch @ne_ratte die sich im #Vogelkäfig herumtreibt....die kleinen #tweetie s haben Angst von Dir gefressen zu vielleicht etwa so wie der #Porzellant (aus dem großen Gesamtwerk: Bekannte Sprichwörter in einem Wort)
#vogelkafig #tweetie #porzellant
Tweetie 2, the predecessor to Twitter for iPhone. The app still installs on iOS 6.1 but fails to authenticate. 😢
@habibcham #Twitter #Tweetie
Das Vergnügen hier auf #Mastodon steht und fällt auch mit guten Apps. War damals bei Twitter auch so. Sobald richtig coole Apps zur Verfügung stehen wird es noch mehr Spass machen. Damals war #Tweetie eine Offenbarung auf Twitter (wurde dann später in die offizielle Twitter App integriert). Aktuell ist @paul daran seine geniale App #TweetBot für Mastodon bereit zu machen 👍 das wird grossartig Freunde 😉
Haha, #Tweetie from @loren, #Tweetbot from @paul and #Twitterrific from @chockenberry and their teams 😍
So many years ago.. so many memories.
#tweetie #tweetbot #Twitterrific