Is there something like "toot marker"?
Thanks to @fscklog for reminding me of the golden days of #Tweetmarker.
With its chronological timeline, #Mastodon is very much in need of a #timeline #marker (similar to #TweetMarker) and #synchronized #notifications across web-based viewing and mastodon apps.
At the moment I might see that I have new followers on the desktop, display them, and make the new notification icon disappear, but this has no effect on mastodon phone or tablet apps that continue showing me an alert for new users since the last time I opened each of those apps.
#notifications #synchronized #tweetmarker #marker #timeline #mastodon
Originally posted on: Tue Jul 24 13:02:56 +0000 2012
#TweetMarker si que me parece la vara más pichuda y útil del universo; me pregunto porque no está implementado por default… #fb
Jetzt wo wir wieder eine richtige Timeline haben, vermisse ich erneut sowas wie #TweetMarker früher. Ein Dienst der die Leseposition über verschiedene Devices / Clients synchronisiert. Hat jemand das schon für #Mastodon entdeckt?