Using a simple Twitter handle, it used to be easy to reach people in govt or the agencies directly via Tweet.
We've lost that direct communication channel because the Federal Govt has failed to act quickly to establish its own channel in response to the #Tweetpocalypse.
Processpod 010: Deaths in the family, ExpozineXX, & the #tweetpocalypse!:
My Grandmother died, and one of the creators of the show I'm working on, and maybe twitter soon?
#tweetpocalypse #expozine2022 #substack #comics #podcast #art
Processpod 010: Deaths in the family, ExpozineXX, & the #tweetpocalypse!:
My Grandmother died, and one of the creators of the show I'm working on, and maybe twitter soon?
#tweetpocalypse #expozine2022 #substack #comics #podcast #art
So everything I tweet here will now be appearing on Mastodon as well. And if you put your Mastodon tag in your profile, I will find you and follow you with Debirdify. GREAT set of practical tips below for preparing for the inevitable Musk-induced #Tweetpocalypse