#TwentyYearsAgo I was working on software that connected relational databases to a repository of unstructured data (think mongo). I supported every SQL database we knew about, so I was coding stuff that did stuff like reorder correlated subquery terms for efficiency and other quirks. Had to support MS Access, which was ugly. I had special case code for a version of Access that was public for one week that failed if you used single tick quotes 'like this' in a query, what a time sink that was! 🙄
#TwentyYearsAgo #Xanga Well... I didn't do much today. I poned at a little cs... well almost poned. Listened to some trance worked on this site... and almost went to see "pirates of the carribian". But I can see it any time for free caus my bro works at the theater so it doesnt reallly matter. lol. Just to let you know... *Dont see Charlies Angles*. I made that mistak a few days ago... but I didnt have to pay so... no skin off my back. Anyway I'll ost again tomorrw i think.