@DamienMarieAtHope Thank you for introducing me to the term #axiology. Now I have a word for something that has been deeply important to me for most of my life!
As a kid, I was frequently praised for being #gifted. As I got older, I was frequently scolded for various supposed moral failings which, in retrospect, were actually just manifestations of #autism. I'm #TwiceGifted, but only learned this in my mid 20s, after first being made to feel I was special for my IQ, and then being made to feel I was garbage for my personality.
Now I understand that abilities and disabilities have no bearing on a person's value. We all have intrinsic value because we are human beings. So I am finally allowed to rest and just be myself.
And now I have a missing word I needed to describe my thinking on the matter.
#Axiology #gifted #autism #twicegifted