#AbrahamLincoln as #POTUS initiated the Constitutional reforms leading to the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments while saving America the first time. His ghost is gonna #SaveAmerica again!
Because Lincoln was assassinated, his Vice President (#AndrewJohnson from #Tennessee ) signed the #14thAmendment. https://www.nps.gov/liho/learn/historyculture/constitution.htm
Coincidentally, the 1st #POTUS to be impeached signed the amendment that now bars the only #TwiceImpeached #POTUS from running again! ✅
#abrahamlincoln #potus #saveamerica #andrewjohnson #tennessee #14thamendment #twiceimpeached
Nice of you to inquire.
WX forecast: too much rain (& lightning) to do antenna solo.
Instead, got fishing license, bought a PFD (couldn't find old one), drove 75min up to instead do a little fishing & scoping location for future ham (et al) visits.
Pulling into host's driveway, saw sign for a pair of dudes who lost a general election 2.5 years ago.
Rolled down my window, "Changed my mind." & drove home.
#TwiceIndicted (so far)
100% nope.
#dangerouslydelusional #twiceimpeached #twiceindicted
Reality Winner got 5 years for stealing one document and was charged under the #EspionageAct Does anyone really believe TFG will be treated like "any other person?" Hell no! But, he is the #TwiceImpeached #TwiceIndictedThisYear #FormerCorruptPrez
#EspionageAct #twiceimpeached #twiceindictedthisyear #formercorruptprez
The newly-indicted twice-impeached racist misogynist fascist idiot mobster should hire George Santos as his defense attorney.
After all, Santos helped win acquittals for OJ Simpson, Martha Stewart, Leona Helmsley, and Jeffrey Dahmer, and singlehandedly won parole for Charles Manson after 47 years in prison, and secured post-execution exoneration for Lindbergh baby kidnapper Richard Hauptmann.
No matter how guilty you are, if you have a Nobel Prize winning defense attorney on your side, you'll go free.
#twiceimpeached #georgesantos #Humor
She really is a class act 💞
Also 🤣👏👏
From “Pelosi in the House” on HBO
#trumplost #twiceimpeached