Excited to be speaking at Twin Cities Drupal Camp next week about whether you still need Sass in 2023! https://2023.tcdrupal.org/session/do-you-still-need-sass-2023. If you’ll be there, come check it out. #TwinCitiesDrupalCamp
I'll be at #TwinCitiesDrupalCamp next month, talking about how you can save time upgrading from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10 using Retrofit!
The event is September 14-15, 2023; I hope to see you there!
Twin Cities Drupal Camp is just over a month away. We've long had one of the biggest and best camps in the country. Please, consider joining us.
Hoping to get a critical mass of BackdropCMS folks here as well to share experiences and lessons learned upgrading Drupal 7 sites to #BackdropCMS.
#backdropcms #tcdrupal #twincitiesdrupalcamp #tcdc
Twin Cities Drupal Camp is just over a month away. We've long had one of the biggest and best camps in the country. Please, consider joining us.
Hoping to get a critical mass of BackdropCMS folks here as well to share experiences and lessons learned upgrading Drupal 7 sites to #BackdropCMS.
#backdropcms #tcdrupal #twincitiesdrupalcamp #tcdc