★Mega Salamence Weaknesses
Ice (Double Weakness)
★Raiding Party of at least 4-6 trainers
★Mega Abomasnow, Mega Glalie, and Mega Latios are great choices for #MegaEvolutions
#PokemonGO #MegaSalamence Raid Guide - Best Counters & Weaknesses | #RaidGuide #TwinklingFantasyEvent | Gaming Intel
#twinklingfantasyevent #raidguide #megasalamence #PokemonGo #megaevolutions
★Mega Salamence Weaknesses
Ice (Double Weakness)
★Raiding Party of at least 4-6 trainers
★Mega Abomasnow, Mega Glalie, and Mega Latios are great choices for #MegaEvolutions
#PokemonGO #MegaSalamence Raid Guide - Best Counters & Weaknesses | #RaidGuide #TwinklingFantasyEvent | Gaming Intel
#twinklingfantasyevent #raidguide #megasalamence #PokemonGo #megaevolutions
#PokemonGo #TwinklingFantasyEvent infographic by #PokeGoHunter. The #MegaSalamence & #Zekrom with Fusion Bolt are coming 👍
The event starts 8AM (local time) this coming Tuesday January 10.
#zekrom #megasalamence #pokegohunter #twinklingfantasyevent #PokemonGo
#PokemonGo #TwinklingFantasyEvent infographic by #PokeGoHunter. The #MegaSalamance & #Zekrom with Fusion Bolt are coming 👍
The event starts 8AM (local time) this coming Tuesday January 10.
#zekrom #megasalamance #pokegohunter #twinklingfantasyevent #PokemonGo
#PokemonGo #TwinklingFantasyEvent Fantasy Event infographic by #PokeGoHunter. The #MegaSalamance & #Zekrom with Fusion Bolt are coming 👍
The event starts 8AM (local time) this coming Tuesday January 10.
#zekrom #megasalamance #pokegohunter #twinklingfantasyevent #PokemonGo
"A brand new event is coming to Pokémon GO, the #TwinklingFantasyEvent! Surround yourself in a Fairy circle, battle with Dragon types, and more during this first of its kind event.
#MegaSalamence and shiny #Dedenne debut in this event, with extra XP, Candy and XL Candy available for catching #Pokémon "
From Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 8:00am, to Monday January 16, 2023 at 10:00pm local time.
Twinkling Fantasy (#PokémonGO Event) | Pokémon GO Hub
#PokemonGo #pokemon #dedenne #megasalamence #twinklingfantasyevent