Celebrating 200+ years of British-Luxembourgish friendship (I don't know if that is really a thing but I couldn't come up with a snappier tagline) with  Pardus Pecan Pie () vs.  Original Pale Ale () Thornbridge being, of course, the Grande Dame of British craft brewing. I was also impressed by the other from Luxembourg which I had last week so I am quite looking forward to this.

#thornbridge #twistedcat #BeerNerd #schlueckglueckglueck

Last updated 2 years ago

Crossing borders tonight with Dry Hopped IPA from Dudelange/Düdelingen, Canton of Esch-sur-Alzette (🇱🇺) and Möl*** Summer Ale from Beckingen, Saarland (🇩🇪).

#twistedcat #molchibraeu #BeerNerd #schlueckglueckglueck

Last updated 2 years ago