Dass es nach der Eröffnung von #Threads auf #Twiter merklich stiller geworden war, hab nicht nur ich mitbekommen.
Für ein paar Tage sah es auch in unseren Analytics so aus, als würden die Einstiege von dort so weit zurückgehen, dass #Mastodon die Nase vorne haben könnte.
Inzwischen ist der Effekt aber komplett wieder verschwunden: #Twitter insgesamt liegt wieder vor #Mastodon. Wenn man die von mir früher beschriebene Effekte rausrechnet, bleibt der relative Gleichklang übrig.
#threads #twiter #mastodon #twitter
Elon Musk o Mark Zuckerberg: chi guida il business tecnologico mondiale?
#ElonMusk #MarkZuckerberg #business #socialmedia #socialnetwork #Meta #Threads #Twiter #affari #potere #ricchezza
#elonmusk #markzuckerberg #business #socialmedia #socialnetwork #meta #threads #twiter #affari #potere #ricchezza
What if we took the #Instagram comment section and made that the new #Twiter?
"Damn, girl, show me your feet."
"Are you looking for a sugar daddy?"
"I like showing you to my 14 white kids 88 times a day."
Stuff like that?
Something should be done an alternative to Twiter is needed and this not it as many non technical users are left confused and the name is not well thought out
#alternative #social #elon #twiter
Pero ya enserio ¿si pagarían 10 dolares o 200mxn solo para poder ver y twittear más?
Real creo que #elon solo piensa en dinero, dinero :cooldoge: #twiter #RIPTwitter
Twitter não existe mais: Elon Musk funde empresa e cria a X Corp
Ei helkatti. Koska vaalit, piti mennä twitteriin. Addiktio palasi: välittömästi.
Pettymys/dopamiini/pettymys/pettymys/dopamiini/pettymyspettymyspettymys.. tuliskohan se dopamiini sieltä?
Heti aluksi pari päivää paluun jälkeen sain yli 3000 noston ja sen jälkeen 500. Jonka jälkeen hiljaista.
Olispa algoritmit avoimia, ettei joutuis foliohattu päässä tuumailemaan että oliko vain sattumaa?
#algoritmi #addiktio #twiter #some
#twiter #TwitterAPI #TwitterMigration User sparks debate on free access to content, offering instead a fee-based service - what do you think? #TrendingThursday https://www.GPTrending.com/#/?date=2023-03-02&topic=thursday
#trendingthursday #twittermigration #twitterapi #twiter
@feditips @kirt@mstdn.science @kirt@mastodon.social
#debirdify seems to still be working
i suspect that paid #api access on #twiter is a lot more complicated to implement than #Elon expected…
Twitter is so broken, apparently I've exceeded my tweet limit, last time I tweeted was a few days ago 🙄
#twiter #twiterfail
Someone has to pay for a stupid $44B mistake.
#twiter #twitter #TwitterAPI #TwitterMigration #mastodon #thursday #groundhogday
#twiter #twitter #twitterapi #twittermigration #mastodon #thursday #groundhogday
What an amazing coincidence! I’ve also decided to no longer support *your* free access to my content or my attention. A basic 🖕 will be available instead.
#twiter #TwitterAPI #TwitterMigration
#twiter #twitterapi #twittermigration