From 20 Jan: Twitter retroactively changes developer agreement to ban third-party clients - Enlarge / Here’s the line that Twitter added to its API Developer Agreement on Jan. 19, tw... #api #policy #tech #third-party-clients #tweetie #twiterrific #twitter
#twitter #twiterrific #tweetie #third #tech #policy #api
Twitter retroactively changes developer agreement to ban third-party clients - Enlarge / Here's the line that Twitter added to its API Developer Agree... - #third-partyclients #twiterrific #tweetie #twitter #policy #tech #api
#api #tech #policy #twitter #tweetie #twiterrific #third
Ars Technica: Twitter retroactively changes developer agreement to ban third-party clients #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #third-partyclients #twiterrific #Tweetie #Twitter #Policy #Tech #API
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #third #twiterrific #tweetie #Twitter #policy #api
The official Twitter Developer's account tweets:
"Twitter is enforcing its long-standing API rules. That may result in some apps not working."
That's it. That's the tweet. No indication what rules are being enforced, despite the question being asked several times.
#Twitter #TwitterAPI #Tweetbot #Twiterrific #Echofon
Developer Agreement and Policy:
#twitter #twitterapi #tweetbot #twiterrific #echofon
È piuttosto triste leggere questo post di @chockenberry , creatore di Twitterrific, sulla sospensione dell'accesso ai client di terze parti.
Triste perché #Twiterrific è sempre stata una parte fondamentale di #twitter, al punto che il concetto di #tweet o il famoso uccellino blu con cui si identifica il suo marchio erano opera di questi sviluppatori, che ora sono stati sbattuti fuori senza avere la minima decenza di dare loro una spiegazione.
@chockenberry your thoughts on a universal timeline intrigues me. I have multiple #Mastodon accounts for different purposes, a #Pixelfed I haven’t figured out what to do with, and am wondering what I would do with a #WriteFreely site. I’m excited to see where the brains behind #Twiterrific can go in the Fediverse. 👏
#mastodon #pixelfed #writefreely #twiterrific
Tweetbot, Twiterrific, Echofon, and other third-party Twitter clients have failed to work for many people since late last night, and the social network has seemingly not notified the apps' developers as to why.
#Twitter #Tweetbot #Twiterrific #Echofon
#twitter #tweetbot #twiterrific #echofon