I know it's actually a bit lame, but this is the first time ever that something I tweeted or posted has had this much visibility. It hasn't even been more than a few hours, but 60-65,000 impressions is unheard of for me. Who would have thought that simple sinking ship meme would pull that much traffic? #Twittanic
Could it go viral? As much as I would hope something does, I do not know.
Attention to those like me who are still casting out life preservers to the #Twittanic! Fascist Edward Smith just re-re-updated the TOS to ban accounts promoting The Good Place and other havens. Make it harder for him by obfuscating your links thusly:
@mastodonmigration that's a good one. It's possible the #Twittanic passes below the waves by the end of the month.
More instances captain, we need more instances.
@Davidtoddmccarty I think eventually Twitter will be hosted by QAnon and their perverted fetishes. The brand is dead. #Twittanic
@MeidasTouch Elon at the #WorldCupFinal refusing to look up at the game for even a moment no matter how loud the crowd cheers instead staring down at his phone, gripping it tight his fingers white, furiously banning any who dare question his latest bonkers changes to the twitter TOS
Big abuser energy, imagine being stuck in a relationship with him?!
Bill Gates coined the term "business at the speed of thought", Elon Musk's demonstrating "business at the speed of stupid"
Saw a chap on twitter share their DMs where they likened the site under Musk to being on the titanic but the captain bought the iceberg specifically to crash into
Made me think of the hashtag #twittanic, so I turned it into this little meme
RT @Dogwalk_media@twitter.com
@elonmusk@twitter.com @DavidSacks@twitter.com Elon please show us an example of the "real time location of your family" that was posted.
They were in a car, not a plane, so it should be some sort of street map, yes?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Dogwalk_media/status/1604296770258759680
Hi. I just bailed out from the #Twittanic The Thursday night massacre was too much. Buhbye #Twittasrophe #ThursNightMassacre
#twittanic #twittasrophe #thursnightmassacre
Eloncio no gana para disgustos... Más de 60 organizaciones de derechos civiles de EE UU se han unido para pedir a las marcas que no se anuncien en su plataforma hasta que no tenga unas garantías mínimas de moderación de contenidos tóxicos. Marcas como Audi, Carlsberg, Jeep o Pfizer ya han dejado de hacerlo. Más info: https://www.stoptoxictwitter.com/
#twittanic #stoptoxictwitter #brandsafety
El tóxico llamando 'crybaby' a Trent Reznor porque este ha dicho que no necesitamos de la arrogancia de multimillonarios y luego se ha ido del pájaro por salud mental. #twittanic
#elonmusk asking engineers to bring printed samples of their best coding in one more bizarro episode in the #twitanic saga (or is it #Twittanic ? Asking for a rubbernecking friend). Can you actually judge coding quality like that ? Even if you can, doesn't he have more pressing things to deal with, as the CEO of a bunch of seriously unprofitable companies? And since when was code the main issue? Or does he seriously think he can turn the platform into a super-app fast enough? Popcorn please.
#twittanic #twitanic #elonmusk
Como en todas partes aquí hay de todo. Por esta noche solo diré que si eres nuevo, la versión web de mastodon si te la descargas como app en el móvil va bastante bien. #riptwitter #twittanic
Sorry for the lack of Mastodon content. Mostly just making more jokes about #Twitter #Twittanic over there.
The so-called #twittanic is a fascinating social phenomenon. Millions are fleeing #twitter to #mastodon because it offers them freedom of choice-relief from an overarching, unipolar, monolithic organization.
Yet in #USA, the political struggle looks to centralize power in an overarching, unipolar, monolithic organization...trying to create the exact condition which millions are currently fleeing at a staggering pace. Perhaps its time to rethink centralized power?
#decentralization = #freedom
#twittanic #twitter #mastodon #usa #decentralization #freedom
RT @realityglimpses@twitter.com
Kto umie robić pokoje. ‼️‼️
Zróbmy pokój w niedzielę 20.11 wieczorem ‼️
#Doomsday #TwitterDown
pogadamy, pośmiejemy się, zdradzimy swoje sekrety… #twittanic
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/realityglimpses/status/1593622953421377536
#twittanic #twitterdown #doomsday