Something I find very funny about #Twitter #X is how offering a paid product to power users is, in itself, probably a decently good idea
But #TwitterBlue #XPremium is a disaster and it's mostly because of catastrophic execution
#Twitter #x #twitterblue #xpremium
-#Musk bietet den Verifizierungshaken zum Abo an
-Der Verifizierungshaken pusht Reichweite und Schmutz wird jedem in die Timeline gespült
-#BlockTheBlue entsteht um dem Müll noch Herr zu werden
-Reichweite von #TwitterBlue Abonnenten sinkt
-Musk will die Blockfunktion löschen
#twitterblue #blocktheblue #Musk
Elon Musk revealed in August that subscribers of X Premium (Blue) would have the opportunity to share in the platform’s ad revenue.
#ElonMusk #XPremium #TwitterBlue #AdRevenue #XSubscriber #Tax #TaxImplications
#elonmusk #xpremium #twitterblue #adrevenue #xsubscriber #tax #taximplications
【新着情報】X(旧Twitter)、有料サービス「Twitter Blue」を「X Premium」に名称変更
#twitterx #twitterblue #x #xpremium #twitter
#ElonMusk’s #X can’t send Blue subscribers their ad revenue-sharing payouts on time
Friday night is a good time to announce you’re not paying your bills.
"That’s not exactly what you’d want to hear from a program touting itself as “part of our effort to help people earn a living directly on X,” and the key to Elon Musk’s X dream for an app that handles #banking, stock trading, and other vital financial features."
#TwitterTakeover #BlueCheck #TwitterBlue #Twitter
#elonmusk #x #banking #twittertakeover #bluecheck #twitterblue #twitter
What's the point of buying something if you don't want to show it off?
Unless you're actually ashamed of your life choices...
Twitter Blue subscribers can now hide their blue checks
#twitter #twitterblue #subscribers #verified #technews
Not only has the way ads been marked been changed, but Musk has also given subscribers the option to hide their blue checkmarks, presumably because people keep blocking them.
It really is a mark of shame, isn't it? With one everyone knows you're a sucker and/or a troll.
#Twitter #twitterblue #elonmuskisstillafailure
#TwitterBlue subscribers can now hide their blue checks • The Verge
Tom Warren:
#Twitter Blue, which Elon Musk is currently rebranding to X Blue, now includes the option to hide the notorious blue checkmark.
@charlesarthur "You pay so that you can look like all the other people who don’t pay? More and more mad".
Verschämte #X-Abonnenten können ihre blauen Häkchen verbergen | heise online #Twitter #TwitterBlue #TwitterX #SocialMedia #ElonMusk
#x #twitter #twitterblue #TwitteRx #socialmedia #elonmusk
Selbst Elmo ist inzwischen klar wie peinlich der blaue Haken geworden ist.
#Twitter #X #TwitterBlue
#TwitterBlue subscribers can now hide their controversial blue checkmark.
Twitter Blue subscribers can now hide their blue checks | #TheVerge
#TwitterBlue, which #ElonMusk is currently rebranding to €X Blue, now includes the option to hide the notorious #BlueCheckmark. Twitter Blue subscribers recently started noticing the “hide your blue checkmark” option on the web and in mobile apps, offering the ability to hide that they’re paying for #Twitter and avoid memes about how “this mf paid for twitter.”
#XCorp #TwitterTakeover #BlueCheck
#theverge #twitterblue #elonmusk #bluecheckmark #twitter #xcorp #twittertakeover #bluecheck
That’s so damn pathetic.
#TwitterBlue subscribers can now hide their blue checks / #Twitter / #X Blue subscribers can now hide that they’re paying and avoid the memes.
The letter cited #research published by #CCDH in June examining #HateSpeech on #Twitter, which #Musk renamed #X. The research consisted of 8 papers, incl’g 1 that found Twitter had taken no action against 99% of the 100 #TwitterBlue accounts the ctr reported for “tweeting hate.” The letter called the research “false, misleading or both”& said the org had used improper methodology.
The ltr added that the ctr was funded by Twitter’s competitors or foreign govs “in support of an ulterior agenda.”
#research #ccdh #hatespeech #twitter #musk #x #twitterblue
前 #TwitterBlue 產品經理 #EstherCrawford,她在2020年賣掉自己的初創公司後加入 #Twitter,對社交媒體公司在最近的管理和方向轉變之前和之後的體驗,分享了廣泛的評論。
✍️ #ChatGPT Plus
#twitterblue #esthercrawford #twitter #chatgpt
Recently I had to block anyone who were #TwitterBlue subscribers on #Twitter , blocked those here who made fun of Bible and Christians, blocked those who made fun of anyone's religion.
And you know what? I'll keep block them, because that shouldn't appear in my timeline.
【新着情報】Twitter Blueユーザーは、Xに投稿された動画のダウンロードが可能に
#TwitterX #Twitter #X #TwitterBlue
#twitterx #twitter #x #twitterblue
Wie mögen sich eigentlich die User fühlen, die #TwitterBlue bezahlt haben und jetzt vor dem schwarzen Ni-X stehen?
Honestly just waiting for a couple of weeks for #ElonMusk to rebrand #TwitterBlue as Triple X.
#musk continues to fascinate with his encore announcement that he will be :birdsite: torching the #twitter #logo!
#AllMuskedUp #MuskedItUp #BlueCheckMark
#twitterblue #bluecheckmark #muskeditup #allmuskedup #logo #Twitter #Musk