Glad I deleted my twitter account some time ago.
#twitter #musk #elonmusk #twittercesspool
Would you like to work for Twitter, A million per year?
How about working for Twitter for 60 000 a year?
What? Do you think I am a prostitute?
Oh, we already know you are a corporate prostitute Joe (Benarroch)!
We just negotiating payments now.
#twitter #twitterexodus #twittermigration #twittercesspool #prostitution
#twitter #twitterexodus #twittermigration #twittercesspool #prostitution
Also tried Tumblr, and left it soon after.
#twitterexodus #twittercesspool
The owner is a profiteering SOB!
#twitter #twittercesspool #racism #homophobia #slur #elonmusk
#twitter #twittercesspool #racism #homophobia #slur #elonmusk
I am actually very happy Musk took over Twitter.
I had planned to close down my account for some time, and he helped me to decide. Byebye.
#twitter #elonmusk #twitterexodus #twittercesspool
Hie will the low profile celebrities react?
#twitter #twittercesspool #twitterexodus
I went on Twitter to see if I ever had one of these blue tacks, I could not log on.
Then it hit me, of course, I already deleted my profile there.
#twitter #twitterexodus #twittercesspool
Almost to good to be true.
#twitter #twitterexodus #twittercesspool
Great news! Twitter soon to accept blow jobs and other sexual favors for payment. #TwitterCesspool
I find it interesting that, while viewing the dregs of that other site, I am now being offered the opportunity to follow Elon and that horrid Libs of TikTok, a lot of really sketchy people with no actual posts have started to follow me (all now blocked) and my promoted feeds include a ton of crypto and NFT offers I can't afford to refuse....I actually had no idea so much of this stuff was out there, I'm such an innocent....😂 #TwitterMigration #TwitterRefugee #TwitterCesspool
#twittermigration #twitterrefugee #twittercesspool #deadbird
Good morning, my Mastodon peeps. It's a fine morning to watch the birdie dumpster fire from the safety of our sane town square. And a big shout out to @georgetakei. We are super stoked you are here. #twitterpurge #elon #twittercesspool
#twitterpurge #elon #twittercesspool
Elon Musk’s recent actions suggest “that he is interested in creating a massive, worldwide cage fight. If it comes to that, we’ll take a pass.” Twitter is regressing into a cesspool of climate misinformation 03-DEC-2022 #Elno #TwitterCesspool https://www.motherjones.com/environment/2022/12/elon-musk-twitter-climate-misinformation-denial-climatescam/