Welkom Twitter vluchtelingen en hou het leuk hier🙌🌸
#twitmigratie #twittanic #twitter #twitmigratie #TWITTER #twittercide #TwitterDead #twitterDown #welkom #welcome #mastdodon
#twitmigratie #Twittanic #twitter #twittercide #twitterdead #twitterdown #welkom #welcome #mastdodon
"You have reached your maximum number of free tweets. Please subscribe to see more."
"In order to view this site you must create an account."
"You have 100 views remaining. Please subscribe to enjoy full access."
"Try Twitter free* for 7 days with new accounts. *CC required."
@nomdeb It’s pretty much a zombie site now. The only option was #Twittercide. I miss making silly hashtags like that. #TwitterMigration
#twittermigration #twittercide
#twitter #twitterdown #twittercide #everythingfine
AAAAANd it's what happen when you fire the #moderator
#twitter #twitterdown #twittercide #everythingfine #moderator
#twittercide #twitter #Twittermed #MastodonMed
Some medical providers are turning to Mastodon and other social networks.
#twittercide #twitter #twittermed #mastodonmed
I'd say it's unbelievable, but it's not. At all. I think it lends new meaning to the term Twittercide.
“Apple and Google need to seriously start exploring booting Twitter off the app store,” said Alejandra Caraballo, clinical instructor at Harvard Law’s cyberlaw clinic. “What Musk is doing is existentially dangerous for various marginalized communities."
#TwitterMigration #Twittercide #TwitterIsDangerous
#twittermigration #twittercide #twitterisdangerous
Big changes don't happen by yearning about the past and trying to fix the inexorable rot. Jump boat, adapt and adopt, be the tide.
#Twittercide has started:Trump wins a vote driven by bots not humans and he will complain it was rigged with too many humans voting‼️‼️
#Twittercide has started:Trump wins a vote driven by bots not humans and he will complain it was rigged with too many humans voting‼️‼️
What's that? Your far-right top trending hashtag is not being seen by anyone?
Let's press :Fortnite: on the world smallest keyboard
#twitterdown #riptwitter #TwitterMigrate #Twittercide
#twitterdown #riptwitter #twittermigrate #twittercide
#TwitterMigrate #twitterstorian #twitterimmigrant #Twitterbox #twitter #TwitterFall #Twitterrefugeeswelcome #twitterrefugee #twitterrefugees #Twittercide #ElonMuskShitshow
#twittermigrate #twitterstorian #twitterimmigrant #twitterbox #twitter #twitterfall #Twitterrefugeeswelcome #twitterrefugee #twitterrefugees #twittercide #elonmuskshitshow
Elmo’s biggest mistake was not making it $7.99
Twitter employee,
Start on Monday,
Well-paid on Tuesday,
WFH on Wednesday,
Laid-off on Thursday,
Rehired on Friday,
Got ultimatum on Saturday,
Leave again on Sunday.
That was the end,
Of Twitter employee.
Feels like we're all at a wake where the deceased requested laughter, the sharing of memories & a little dancing.
Thanks to all the knowledgeable folks who have shared their expertise in so many different fields making us all smarter. Hugs.
#Twitter #twittercide #memories
#twitter #twittercide #memories
Hard to believe this ⤵️ is what you wanted, @jack@twitter.com.
So painful. So sad.
RT @dmofengineering@twitter.com
From: @twittereng@twitter.com
To: @elonmusk@twitter.com
Really sad.
Thread here is collecting resignation tweets from #Twitter engineers, many of whom are senior / have been at the company for a long time.