Ich finde das Twitter-Algorithmus Ding ja grade echt spannend.
Aber mag mich mal jemand kurz aufklären, ich hab da nicht mitbekommen, wie es überhaupt dazu kam?
Also, war das ein Leak? Oder beabsichtigt?
Und was heisst das für die Zukunft?
Ich hab hier Postings gesehen, die Github zeigen mit der bisher aktuellen Fork-Anzahl die wohl jetzt schon bei 6k ist?
Auf jeden Fall macht es klar, dass es keinen Sinn macht, über die eigene Bubble hinaus auf Twitter Reichweite zu bekommen. Geschweige denn darüber sinnvolle Interaktionen zu haben. 🤔
#twitteralgorithm #twittercode #fragen
Birdsite open sourced it’s code, furries do what furries do. 🐾
#furry #furrypaws #twittercode
The best thing about #twittercode is that people are seeing how nifty Scala is.
What was/is your toxicity score on Twitter?
When you’re toxic, just not 0.92 toxic https://github.com/twitter/the-algorithm/blob/7f90d0ca342b928b479b512ec51ac2c3821f5922/home-mixer/server/src/main/scala/com/twitter/home_mixer/functional_component/decorator/HomeTweetTypePredicates.scala it’s that sweet spot of toxic. 👨🏻🍳 💋 /s #TwitterCode
Hell, I don't know if everyone who that filter tags as a democrat is actually a democrat. How is that checked? If it is a manual list does it get updated when someone switches parties? Do they just get removed?
Do I know that nothing nefarious is going on there? Absolutely not!
But I also just _don't know_ and absent someone finding something in the source code I don't think most people who aren't under NDAs do either, and I don't trust Musk to know what he is looking at.
I'm a bit annoyed at people jumping to all sorts of conclusions about the system saying "author is democrat" and "author is republican" (though the "author is elon" is funny).
Here's what I know:
1. That there is a tag with that name.
End of list.
I _don't_ know:
1. How those lists are calculated. Are they preset lists of politicians? Are they drawing from an ads model?
2. Does it feed into the rec system despite the docs?
3. What they do after the data is collected.
The #TwitterCode is interesting and, at least so far, I haven't run into anything I'd find particularly surprising. Honestly given that it is mostly scala and some python that I've looked at I am more surprised that it is _readable_.