Musk's unsettled dues cause operational disruptions, instigating a deep dive into Twitter's financial stability. Will this crisis influence the company's future?
#financialstability #twittercrisis #elonmuskimpact
Musk's unsettled dues cause operational disruptions, instigating a deep dive into Twitter's financial stability. Will this crisis influence the company's future?
#financialstability #twittercrisis #elonmuskimpact
It's a fascinating correlation. As the #TwitterChaos worsens, #Mastodon's user activations go up & Tesla's stock price goes down. This can't go on though, investors were (wildly) hoping that Tesla would be worth $3 trillion in the future. Now from a ~$1T company it's barely worth $500 billion - and that valuation is sinking the longer the #TwitterCrisis drags on.
#Tesla shares fall further in after-hours trading as #Musk mulls future at #Twitter
#twitter #musk #tesla #twittercrisis #mastodon #twitterchaos
And now almost 20 minutes in, the Yes votes are pulling ahead...
Should Elon quit? #ElonMusk #TwitterCrisis #TwitterEndTimes
#ElonMusk #twittercrisis #twitterendtimes
@parkermolloy I always thought he was pro-science. Looks like barking fruitloopery has got him. The worse the #Twittercrisis gets the more unhinged he seems to become.
Con toda razón bloquearon miles de cuentas... #twittercrisis #twittercaos #TwitterCrash
#twittercrisis #twittercaos #twittercrash
Twitter meltdown is a threat to health in many ways. So what to do?
Introduction by Croakey: The upheaval at Twitter has profound, wide-ra
#commercialdeterminantsofhealth #Digitalplatforms #healthcommunications #Indigenoushealth #Publichealth #Publicinterestjournalism #Ruralandremotehealth #Socialmediaandhealthcare ##CroakeyNews ##regulatedigitalplatforms ##TwitterCrisis ##TwitterResistance #health
#CommercialDeterminantsOfHealth #digitalplatforms #healthcommunications #indigenoushealth #publichealth #publicinterestjournalism #ruralandremotehealth #socialmediaandhealthcare #croakeynews #regulatedigitalplatforms #twittercrisis #twitterresistance #health
Hearing from on the political power of Twitter, is watched and noticed by politicians, bureaucrats. Part of the democratic process, shapes and influences debate and process #TwitterCrisis
Will be tweeting from the #TwitterCrisis forum for the next little while. stressing importance in an environment of disinformation and misinformation, with rolling climate crises. Great, diverse turnout, loving these conversations
My cat is very concerned about the impacts of Elon's takeover of Twitter on #PublicHealth and public interest journalism #PIJ
#TwitterCrisis #TwitterResistance
@CroakeyNews @healthequity
#publichealth #pij #twittercrisis #twitterresistance
My cat is very concerned about the impacts of Elon's takeover of Twitter on #PublicHealth and public interest journalism #PIJ
#TwitterCrisis #TwitterResistance @healthequity
#publichealth #pij #twittercrisis #twitterresistance
I repeat. #TwitterMigration #TwitterDown #musktwitter #twittercrisis
Wie wär’s: als Back-Up gehen wir jetzt alle flott auf #Mastodings, folgen uns gegenseitig und wenn Twitter explodiert, dann haben wir ein Back-Up?
Redundanz und so? Zumindest #miltwitter müsste das als Argument überzeugen!
Retweet means endorsement.
#miltwitter #Mastodings #twittercrisis #musktwitter #twitterdown #twittermigration