I never thought leopards would block my API access said the man who worked for the leopards blocking API access party. #TwitterFiles #TwitterDeathWatch
#TwitterFiles #twitterdeathwatch
I went to do a test tweet to see whether Musk had set the usage limit ridiculously low or whether it was just throwing that error for everybody...
And it failed for reasons that may be that, or may be something else so. Like. Yeah. #Twitter #TwitterDeathWatch
@nuclearpidgeon a #TwitterDeathWatch tool? OMG, this is awesome! And they use BLUE in the RAG 🤣... excellent.
Holy shit #Technoking literally said the dreaded phrase “works for me” in response to reports of his $44 billion platform breaking apart. 😂
Thank god he’s there to manage things instead of the 7,000 people he had doing it before. And don’t worry everyone, when he steps down as CEO he will still “run the software and servers teams.”
#technoking #twitterdeathwatch
found it #twitterdeathwatch but I can't make heads or tails of the charts. https://deadbird.singlepane.io/d/Z_aqE2d4z/twitter-death-watch-basic-overview?orgId=4&from=now-3h&to=now&search=open&query=folder:current
Enjoy this fancy grafana powered twitter mega fail dashboard: https://deadbird.singlepane.io #TwitterDown #twitterdeathwatch
(not seeing much weird patterns currently) @fack
#twitterdown #twitterdeathwatch
Has #twitter's infinite scrolling broken for anyone else? I load my feed and start scrolling down and only see a half dozen tweets before I start scrolling through blank space. #twitterDeathWatch
Seriously imagine working here. From the BBC.
#twitterendtimes #circlingthedrain #twitterdeathwatch
An unprecedented increase in hate speech, never before seen on a mainstream social media platform.
Almost 4,000 anti-Black slurs a day. Homophobic slurs happening just as often. And it's not like these numbers were zero before.
From short-form social media to safe haven for bigoted scum. All it took was one CEO.
#TwitterDeathWatch #TwitterEndTimes
#twitterdeathwatch #twitterendtimes
Wake up, time to die
http://blog.edtechie.net/twitter/wake-up-time-to-die/ another #twitterdeathwatch post on the impermanence of platforms in general, and the need to own your own domain.
Ok. Even TRUMP is done with Twitter.
The horse is on life support...
#twitterendtimes #twitterdeathwatch
The results of the poll. In case anyone was surprised. Twitter is just becoming a shining city on a hill...
#TwitterEndTimes #TwitterDeathWatch
#twitterendtimes #twitterdeathwatch
Sorry found this funny. ALL THE FREDOM WITH NONE OF THE SPEECH! lol #TwitterEndTimes #twitter #TwitterDeathWatch
#twitterendtimes #Twitter #twitterdeathwatch
Boy oh boy, am I glad to be here. Incredible the chaos over there. What a blowup. #TwitterDeathWatch #RIPTwitter
#twitterdeathwatch #riptwitter
I mean it's just one win after another. Is anyone writing a book about this? Business schools could benefit from a good "what not to do, in detail" textbook #TwitterEndTimes #TwitterDeathWatch
#twitterendtimes #twitterdeathwatch
Is there an official "Twitter vs. Lettuce" stream yet?
#twitter #twitterdeathwatch #morbidcuriosity #lettucewins