jeśli musk się nie opamięta to z twittera nikt oprócz burżujów z niebieskim znaczkami nie będzie korzystać, w sumie to może wyjść nawet na dobre...
#Twitter #twitterded #twitterbye #fuckmusk
Mastodon really has replaced #Twitter for me. I now forget to come back here but once every month or so, but inevitably do tap back in. #twitterExodus #lazySocialMedia
Oh, and the bird app asked me to log back in. I said nah. #twitterDed
#twitter #twitterexodus #lazysocialmedia #twitterded
#TwitterExodus Still learning this platform, but happy to be here. #TwitterNewbies #Twitter #TwitterTips #TwitterExodus #Twexit #TwitterDed #MastodonTips #MastodonTipsAndTricks #MastodonNoob #MastodonNoobie #MastodonNewb #MastodonNewbieTips
#twitterexodus #twitternewbies #Twitter #twittertips #twexit #twitterded #mastodontips #mastodontipsandtricks #mastodonnoob #mastodonnoobie #mastodonnewb #mastodonnewbietips
@taylorlorenz and that’s why we, and everyone else, needs to move along to other platforms. #TwitterDed #TwitterBoycot
Twitter dieing in a nutshell:
#johnmastodon #TwitterDieing #TwitterDed
#johnmastodon #twitterdieing #twitterded