#Twitter の視聴制限はどうやらバグによる #selfddos というお粗末なものらしい。
#eronmask のレイオフでエンジニアがごっそりいなくなった影響か。
いよいよ #twitterend へ邁進してるぽい。
#twitterend #eronmask #selfddos #twitter
@IceNine @BobLefridge @flexghost I see your #twitterend and I raise you #whitepeopletwitter https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/
#twitterend #whitepeopletwitter
10 hashtags to follow the current #TwitterHell:
#twitterhell #twitterdown #twitterdownagain #twitterapocalypse #twitterpocalypse #twitterend #riptwitter #goodbyetwitter #twitterendgame #twittercollapse #birdsitebroken
Hello Fediverse, goodbye Twitter! :blobsunglasses: 🐧 🕹️
OK, it's done. Tweets deleted. Pinned tweet with QR code to find me here. 2-factor authentication to log in. Account locked. End of an era. #TwitterEnd #TwitterDeleted
OK, it's done. Tweets deleted. Pinned tweet with QR code to find me here. 2-factor authentication to log in. Account locked. End of an era. #TwitterEnd #TwitterDeleted
Tweeteraser is currently deleting my 23,104 tweets. My life since 2006! I have the archive, though - which I suspect I'll never look at. I'll leave a final tweet, with Mastodon link. How long before Musk deletes that, I wonder? #TwitterEnd #TweetDelete
Tweeteraser is currently deleting my 23,104 tweets. My life since 2006! I have the archive, though - which I suspect I'll never look at. I'll leave a final tweet, with Mastodon link. How long before Musk deletes that, I wonder? #TwitterEnd #TweetDelete
Casualmente cuando el chavo que creó la cuenta se negó a dejar de publicar la información de sus vuelos, Elon dijo que compraría Twitter. #TwitterLand #TwitterEnd
Casualmente cuando el chavo que creó la cuenta se negó a dejar de publicar la información de sus vuelos, Elon dijo que compraría Twitter. #TwitterLand #TwitterEnd
Twitter is doomed. They now have a man who invites violence. Incites insurrection to overthrow a government. Is complicit in reinstating a moron [Trump] back onto a platform that was a haven for decent folk.
Turned said platform, has the audacity to charge for the privilege of a blue circle and has not contributed anything to society but hardship and grief.
Welcome to Twitter its new owner Elongated Musk. @elonmuskofficial
#Twitter #TwitterEnd #ElonMusk #ParisCummings #society
#society #pariscummings #elonmusk #twitterend #twitter
Twitter is doomed. They now have a man who invites violence. Incites insurrection to overthrow a government. Is complicit in reinstating a moron [Trump] back onto a platform that was a haven for decent folk.
Turned said platform, has the audacity to charge for the privilege of a blue circle and has not contributed anything to society but hardship and grief.
Welcome to Twitter its new owner Elongated Musk. @elonmuskofficial
#Twitter #TwitterEnd #ElonMusk #ParisCummings #society
#society #pariscummings #elonmusk #twitterend #twitter
¿Y si todo eso del #twitterend era un truco de #mastodon para que vinieramos en estampida aquí?
Esto es más aburrido que una corrida de toros.
News media beginning to abandon Elon. How many news organizations are already in the #fediverse?
El final de Twitter tiene todos los signos de ser una Crisis Seldon. #TwitterEnd
#TwitterEnd que faire de votre archive téléchargée ?
Ce tuto en anglais vous explique comment demander, télécharger et récupérer votre archive TW et surtout ce qu'elle contient (tout votre compte TW depuis votre inscription) et comment l'utiliser.
1/ dézipper l'archive - Attention elle peut faire de ~0,5 Go à 50 Go selon votre compte Twitter - La mienne fait 1,53 Go
2/ ouvrir le fichier YourArchive.html dans votre navigateur internet (Firefox de préférence)
#TwitterEnd Et si l'avenir de l'oiseau bleu 🐦 passait par la banqueroute ?
Pour le MIT ce serait la perte d'un énorme morceau de 16 ans d'histoire du monde.
Personne au niveau mondial ne sauvegarde les tweets autre que Twitter lui-même.
If we bring anything over from twitter, then let it be this. You know what to do.
#twitterend #riptwitter #goodbyetwitter