Please help me choose a name , I will abide by the results of this poll. I am stuck between the name Alison and Samantha . Some people call me either Alison or Samantha . I feel this is just getting silly because I don’t feel it’s natural for people to call you too many different names unless it’s nicknames
#lgbtqia #lgbt #names #feminism #female #transgender #twitter #twitter2 #twitterimmigrant
#lgbtqia #lgbt #names #feminism #female #transgender #twitter #twitter2 #twitterimmigrant
Mastodon has proven today that social media can be a force for good. I do not feel I need to explain as most users get where I’m coming from .
Inclusivity ✅
Intelligent debate ✅
Friendliness ✅
An actual audience ✅
Sweet and caring people ✅
Intolerance free mostly ✅
Moderators who care ✅
A character limit which does not create headaches ✅
Not designed for massive profit over privacy ✅
No advertisements ✅
More customisable options ✅
I could go on all morning ..
#twitterimmigrant #lgbtqia #lgbt #trans #transexual #twitter #mastodon #elon #elonmusk
#twitterimmigrant #lgbtqia #lgbt #trans #transexual #twitter #mastodon #elon #elonmusk
この画像の言いたいことは分かるけど、イーロン以前から :twitter: はアングリーバード状態だった。
#twitter #Twitter終了 #twitterimmigrant
linktr.ee が有名ですが、Free Plan は "free transaction fee for limited time" と小さく書かかれ、料金表示が無いのでやめました。
多くはリンク選択が主要SNSのみ、Mastodon が登録できないか貼れても twitter とのバランスが悪く、
・簡単に ・無料で ・見栄えよく
Mastodon を貼れる所は稀有でした。
今回唯一使えると思えたのが ”POTOFU” です。
#twitter終了 #twitterimmigrant #twitter移民 #twitterexodus #fedibird
#Twitter終了 #twitterimmigrant #twitter移民 #twitterexodus #fedibird
Pues desde ayer ya no se rebotan mensajes entre esta cuenta y Twitter. En realidad desde hace semanas está era mi cuenta principal y los mensajes se rebotaban a Twitter. Pero ayer se me acabó la paciencia, entre en Twitter y salí cabreado y dije "nunca más". Es increíble el vertedero de odio en que se ha convertido. #twittermigration #twitterimmigrant
#twittermigration #twitterimmigrant
We are in the days of pop up #socialmedia A race to see who will be the next #twitter I prefer #mastadon because I really feel the interactions are much more organic than other platforms.
#twittermigration #TwitterMigrate #twitterimmigrant #TwitterRefugrees #elonmusksucks
#socialmedia #twitter #mastadon #twittermigration #twittermigrate #twitterimmigrant #twitterrefugrees #elonmusksucks
Locking my account over on the bird for a few days… things are getting weird(er) over there! #twitterimmigrant
Na vier dagen eindelijk mijn backup gekregen. Nu dan echt gelukt. #twittermigration #twitter #twitterimmigrant #boost after four days finaly got my Twitter backup. Now exit.
#twittermigration #twitter #twitterimmigrant #boost
@mrgeneration @Gargron @Mastodon thanks, I think I see what you mean. I guess the only real issue for us #twitterimmigrant folks is if the larger instances start muting or blocking each other. I can imagine smaller niche instances not wanting the noise. I don’t think a lot of us knew where to land and it was an educated guess at best. So, you have pockets, we can call them lifeboats, of ex-twitter users ending up on random instances.
Say goodbye to all the remaining advertisers, say hello to My Pillow Guy!
“Elon Musk says Twitter to provide 'amnesty' to some suspended accounts starting next week”
#ElonMuskNoThanks #twittermigration #TwitterMigrate #twitterimmigrant
#elonmusknothanks #twittermigration #twittermigrate #twitterimmigrant
Como cuando la competencia no sabia que hacer y te ayuda
#Mastodon #MstdnSocial #Comedia #TwitterMigrate #twitterimmigrant #mastodonvstwitter
#mastodon #MstdnSocial #comedia #twittermigrate #twitterimmigrant #mastodonvstwitter
Goedemorgen tooties!
Mijn vrije dag vandaag.
Uitslapen, rustig ontbijten en KOFFIE ☕️. Okee nog wel even langs werk voor kort overleg, maar dan met moedertje en dochters afspreken. Oudste woont in Amsterdam daar gaan we heen. Lunchen en door de stad zwalken. Zin in!
Fijne dag allemaal, hup wij!
#Amsterdam #twitterimmigrant
Goedemorgen tooties!
Mijn vrije dag vandaag.
Uitslapen, rustig ontbijten en KOFFIE ☕️. Okee nog wel even langs werk voor kort overleg, maar dan met moedertje en dochters afspreken. Oudste woont in Amsterdam daar gaan we heen. Lunchen en door de stad zwalken. Zin in!
Fijne dag allemaal, hup wij!
#Amsterdam #twitterimmigrant
Now I've been on this platform for some time now, #twitterimmigrant, and I think I've begun to understand it a bit... 👍
Any recommendations for people or topics to follow?
#dkpol #dkmedier #movies #tvshows #film #aspnet #dotnet #azure
#english #dansk
#danmark #nypåmastodon #dansker #danskertrut
#twitterimmigrant #dkpol #dkmedier #movies #tvshows #film #aspnet #dotnet #azure #english #dansk #danmark #nypamastodon #dansker #DanskerTrut
So far I like #Tusky best for browsing and interacting with the feed. I like the original #Mastodon app better for browsing/interacting with notifications.
#tusky #mastodon #twittermigration #twitterimmigrant
I guess people introduce themselves via toot here so:
As a history teacher and a biracial immigrant, I like to talk about culture, politics, and history.
As a geek, I like to talk about comics, anime, video games, and art.
As a recent father to a toddler, I may want to talk about my kid from time to time.
Looking forward to new beginnings! #twitterimmigrant #newtomastodon
#twitterimmigrant #newtomastodon
Deja tu like si tu tambien vienes de twitter 🙌🏽 #twittermigration #twitterimmigrant #TwitterMigrate
#twittermigration #twitterimmigrant #twittermigrate
@mikemadrid I’ve heard people speculate that Musk is playing 4D Chess while everyone else is playing Checkers. I’m beginning to think a more accurate analogy would be, Elon thinks he’s playing 4D Chess, but he’s really playing Connect Four. #twitterexodus #TwitterMigrate #twitterimmigrant #ElonMuskNoThanks
#twitterimmigrant #elonmusknothanks #twitterexodus #twittermigrate